Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Just wondering if any doodle owner live in Halifax, Bedford or surrounding areas!

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Hi we are in Dartmouth,
Do you go to Point Pleasant Park or Shubie Park for walks??
Hi Judy, this may seem wierd, or maybe small-world-ish, but in late September, my husband and I were visiting Halifax and we were running through Point Pleasant Park and we accosted two ladies who were walking with their doodles -- was that you? We were visiting from Red Deer, Alberta, and we have our own Labradoodle at home! After we left you guys, I was annoyed with myself that I didn't mention Doodlekisses, but thought, oh well. So tonight I was on here having a look at the Canadian Doodles group and I saw mention of Halifax, Point Pleasant Park, etc and it all clicked! Anyway, if that was you, HI! We had a fabulous time in Halifax and still mention to all our friends about the doods we saw at Point Pleasant during our run!
HI Brenda,

Yes it's me. That so funny and Lori whom you had met with me is also my friend on Doodlekisses. The other funny thing is I was living in Ottawa one year ago and we were going to be transferred to Halifax (which I'm originally from but haven't been here in years so it's all new again) and Linda, a friend from Ottawa told me to join Doodlekisses. I did and asked the Canadian Group is anyone living in Halifax and Lori answered and when I moved here she met me at the park with two of her friends who also have doodles and we've been walking ever since last Christmas together. Small world.

I'm glad you had a fabulous time in Halifax and I hope you come again and bring your Labradoodle with you.
That is so funny! I would love to bring Pepsi everywhere we go but I can't bear the thought of crating him the bottom of a plane! Maybe we will have to drive out sometime... I guess the Doodlekisses world is a small one! Wow, I am still laughing!
Yes it is a small world and am so glad we met you and hopefully some day will meet Pepsi....
Hi! I haven't been on DK for awhile now :(  but we live in the Annapolis Valley and are in & out of Halifax quite a lot ( our son is at Dalhousie). We always bring Bella in with us and also go  on the Breast Cancer " Walk For A Cure" there every year with Bella. This spring we would love to go to Point Pleasant Park &  meet the other doodles, there are not too many doodles in the valley. We are planning to come in the last weekend of April , as we want to take in the Saltscapes Expo , so if that is a good time, maybe we could all meet at the park?

We live in Upper Tantallon. We take Chester to Seaview on the weekends.

This Sat May 19th We are going to have his Birthday Party ~ 10 am. Everyone is welcome.

I haven't been to seaview before. Sounds like fun.

We're in Bedford.....a lady just down the street has a Australian chocolate labradoodle as well.

I'm in Bedford also...Off Southgate. Just came back from Long Lake with Charlie swimming. We also swim at Papermill Lake.
I live on Southgate....right next to the back entrance / parking area to Bedford south school and the soccer field.



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