Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Despite monthly applications of Frontline, I have picked about 5 ticks, small, active, crawling ones, from my dogs fur since yesterday. Somehow, here in NJ I find this is often the worst time of year for ticks. This is despite the fact that no deer can actually come on my property in the area where the dogs roam. So I wondering again, if anyone has found a more effective product. I guess I mean one that actually repels ticks, not only kills them after they've attached.  I may try the Ceadarcid again even though I don't like the smell..

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yeah, but what to do about Biting Flies!
It is best to pour alcohol on them. They release their grip and are much easier to remove fully - you don't want to leave their grippers in.. I ran out last week and poured a cupful of raspberry vodka on Nelson's head. It worked like a charm.
Raspberry Vodka~~ okay now that has got to be better than Frontline!! and a much happier ending.
I say, don't flush the damn things down the toilet--Send them in a baggy enclosed in your Frontline Package Back to China! Send the stuff Back.

Another Case and Point. Jane, Guinness, and Murphy--I swear were using ineffective Frontline and Murphy got Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and almost died!
We don't have ticks here, but I will always remember this solution!
The recommended method of removing attached ticks is to use a tweezer to pull it by the head, to try to remove the entire head and mouth parts.
The shelter I volunteer at told us to twist it around like you are taking out the screw. And it will let it go.... ughhhh still gives me a creeep!!!!
Every thing I have heard and read says to NOT twist or unscrew the tick. Just grip it as far down as you can with tweezers and as tight as you can without squishing the body or head and then firmly pull. That is how we got 4 out of Gracie. Also, they say to not use a match, cigarette or Vaseline!
Just the way I understand it.
Ohhh OK!! I hope I never have to do this again....
When Spud had ONE tick... way back when I had no clue what to do my Cute vet gave me a presentation on how to remove a tick but he told me NO TWEEZERS. He said get a cotton ball or kleenex. I'm sure, since I don't use icky Frontline ( geesh does it sound like I hate the stuff) I won't be picking ticks with Ya'll
I better go knock on wood though....since we have Wood Ticks



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