I take Fudge and Vern to the groomers about every 6 weeks. It takes Vern (aka Pigpen) approximately 10 minutes to un-groom himself. Does anyone else have this problem?
Here is Vern after a trip to the groomer looking all white and fluffy.
Ha Ha ! Same here. And cat food bowls on the tables and the toilet paper dispenser hanging from almost the ceiling. We have a hole cut into the cupboard and you can slide the garbage through the hole, and a big rock on top of the laundry basket~ I also... no joke, have an Old Oak Paddle or Oar used for a boat that bolts the front Screen door closed. Doodle Decor
Yes, or two huge crates in my foyer. When I have my cookie party, I throw a tablecloth over them and that is where I put the favors. Or a plastic lid that blocks them from going down the basement to harass the cat.
Laurie, too funny. My neighbors use their crate as a island kitchen table with a lovely table cloth. We are not alone in our decor. I think there are more.
Loved this link. Thanks, it mad me laugh. We had a Clumber Spaniel for 13 years. He was white and loved to lay in mud puddles. He would dry off and look clean as a whistle. The trick was he shed more than any dog on earth. I think the dirty hair just fell out and new clean hair grew in. My husband said he was worried he would get a protein deficiency because he shed so much. We would have another one if it weren't for that. Now you understand my love for Goldendoodles.
Our Clumber made us laugh every single day, on purpose! We have found that Kona, our Goldendoodle, is funny, too. It is a rare quality in dogs, I think.
I just looked it up. Wow, what a lot of hair. What a wonderful quality in a dog...the ability to make us laugh. You got lucky twice. Ours do the same thing....Fudge because she can always trick Vern into doing what she wants him to do and Vern, because he is just a big goof guided by a great desire to please you and make you happy.
About a half hour ago I wrote in this post. Then decided to take some pictures of Spud with his ears trying to dry --he looks so funny.
What I found was a doodle who had a bath at 3 pm. LOOK at this filthy face. I had to sign back on and post this picture just because.... all I found was a FILTHY FACE. It has only been 4 hours.
I am getting a dirt brown doodle next time!!!!! Clancy's face looks just like this also. Ned's is a bit better, because you kind of fool yourself into thinking he has darker apricot by his face....