Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Lets hear it!   I sure do...Shelby gets the Red Carpet Treatment.  I must admit...I do think she is a REAL GIRL!  I love her and give her the world.  Are you with me on this? 


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I think if you were to ask one of my adult kids they would tell you Banjo is the "spoiled" one!
I hear the exact same thing from my adult kids all the time. They think I'm crazy....they just don't "get it".
You will have to define spoil? If you mean never having to stay at home alone except on rare occasion, going to the park at least 4 times a week, playing in the backyard every single day, going for a jog every morning with Daddy, having play dates every other day with Saffron and Sophie, going to doggy daycare once a week, getting nothing but one of the best foods on the market (orijen), new toys as fast as I can destroy them, going to work with Mommy, getting treats from the UPS guy every day he comes....then yes I guess I am spoiled.

But in all seriousness I think ALL DoodleKisses doodles are spoiled and they should be.
Great reply because I just cant be without Shelby and she is my best friend! My wife has also been more devoted to her than I ever thought was possible. It is so wonderful to know that other Doodles live the great life! Doodle Kisses to Daisy!!
Are my fur babies spoiled???...Lets see...Having only the best food and care a dog can have, loving all the time, being at their beck and call 24/7, worrying about them before and while we are away, only leaving them with someone we have used for 10 yrs, even though they are now 3 hrs away from us, giving them all our time and love when we are home day or night, taking them on outings and romps, and just plain loving them unconditionally at all times, and not being able to imagine our lives without them, oh and more toys then a toy store here, lol, then they are spoiled. BUT if u ask my husband, he will tell you that when he dies, he wants to come back as one of our dogs...So are they spoiled????...My two legged kids think we spoil them more then we did them, lol...
In reply, I think I would love to be a Doodle! Does that sound crazy? Shelby has brought more Value to our lives that we will ever know!
When people have accused Tara of being spoiled I always tell them "She's not spoiled, she is just well cared for! " :)
Nothing but the best!
Let's put it this way: if I could swap places with my dogs for a day, perhaps a week, I would :)
Me too!
I do and am proud to say so. I was a bit worried that my DH thinks I go a bit overboard, but each weekend when Rua and I go out shopping and I bring home more toys (chewing and educational, of course), more treats (no grain and natural, of course), clothes (she just looks so darned cute in them, of course), he always says the right thing...she deserves it! LOL
Rua must be an Angel...Pampering is a must and I love to do it too!



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