Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hello All,


I apologize for not being able to be online as much as I'd like, but always so busy. That being said, I would like to share with all you photogs here an opportunity to help and give back during the holiday season if you're interested.  Please check out this link to a global effort that was very successful last year:  You may be able to participate in a group in your area and even if you are a new photographer it may give you an opportunity to meet other local photogs you may be able to network with in your area.




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I am a little slow and don't understand what this is. We take pictures of ???? (who) and get them printed and give them to them? Would these be pictures for a job resume, a family outing? I am just not clear. Perhaps I didn't click on the correct icon.
I can say that I loved it when people who took pictures of events my children were in shared them with me because I didn't have a camera then. Is this what you had in mind?
Sorry I wasn't very clear. Yes, the link explains it. Also, here is a video that better explains it.

Photographers get together to take photos of anyone, such as people who wouldn't otherwise be able to have professional photos taken. I was touched by some of the responses because I had no idea how a nice photo of someone can mean so much to them. Take the photos, get them printed, and have them given to them. This will be my first time to participate so I won't know how it all goes until I've experienced it. It could be anyone...single mom with kids, elderly people with their pet, grandparents raising grandchildren...anyone who doesn't have the ways or means or thought to have otherwise do a portrait. We have two groups started in my area, 1) By a Church in the city and 2) a community shelter and food bank in the foothills. Hope this helps explain it better. I just wanted to help spread the word.
I think the link on the page that explains is this:
I didn't get it either at first and I think people who live in urban ares may be more readily able to do this.
I get it now. It is a great idea however one does it. It has inspired me. I am going to set up something in my room and take my students' pictures and get them printed and framed so that they can give them to their parents. I live in a low socio-economic area and many of my students can't even buy the school photos. Now I just need to figure out how to make a cool background and what I can put on the kids to look festive.
You've got the idea! =) That would be a VERY wonderful thing to do. I think you'll be amazed by the reaction. I helped a friend with a school fundraiser and it was a big hit!



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