Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Daisy goes into our closet every morning after breakfast and her morning jog to get away from it all.

DH and I go about our busy morning while she sleeps in there, probably because it's dark and out of the way.

Yesterday I must have inadvertently dropped a sweater when I went in for my clothes. When I went in there later to "gently" wake her up to leave for work this is what I found. She must have been this way for at least a half hour.

I had to sneak back out to get my camera, here are the results. ha ha

Coincidentally it was Monday!

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What a cute picture....sleeping with Mom's sweater must seem like Doodle heaven! Murph never seems to have a need for alone time....he goes wherever I go. Guinness goes under our bed....whenever I can't find him, that's where he is.
Daisy is adorable! I love her head tilt, super cute!

K is my shadow, he is usually right next to me, but sometimes he gives himself a timeout, and the master bathroom is his favorite hideout since day 1.

Z has to be in the middle of the room where everything is happening, just laying there getting in everybody's way.
Daisy, I wish I could do that every Monday morning!! Hunter's bed is in an out of the way area. We have a center split style house and its at the bottom of the second set of stairs away from the upstairs "main" area. Its dark and quiet and on the cooler side than the rest of the house. She definately likes her "alone time" and her own space - don't we all?!
LMAO. If something dropped on Allie's head (like that very threatening sweater) she would have a heart attack and race throughout my house like it was attacking her... looking back but running forward. It would completely ruin her whole entire day. I will NEVER have a cute picture like that. LOL.
LOL....Allie's kinda sensitive huh? Too funny!
Our previous dog was a poodle mix (looked just like a labradoodle but before they were popular) he was black - hard to get pictures of him where you can actually see his face, but he was beautiful just like your Maddy....he was such a joy and Maddy just reminds me so much of him.
Seriously, as I have said before she is the most laid back doodle and I have all of you to compare her to. I use to worry about her but she just took on our personalities and fits right in. Being an Empty Nest home we are pretty quiet.
Bandit goes behind the couch. Rosey goes to their room in the basement but that is rare. Usually the are both right under my feet!
Alone time??? LOL. Baxter is a velcro dog and never wants to be alone. He takes every step I take. But he is adorable! I love the photo. She is precious.
Did you all notice the dirty pair of DH socks on the floor NEXT to the hamper? Ugh, a never ending battle...but now after 30 years I can laugh about it instead of fretting.
Daisy is adorable!! My Lilly does not know what alone time is, she is ALWAYS where I am. ;-)
What a great photo, thanks for the laugh! I don't know if you would call this alone time since all the doods want to sleep in this spot under the desk. They will step on each other and squeeze in to get a spot. So, they have to share their "alone time" in this favorite spot!



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