Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

While I realize dog food is the best for him...Stanley really loves a Popsicle. I hold the stick for him and he eats it in about 10 seconds. He loves the purple ones best of all!

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My picky, fussy doodle Jack, who turns his nose up at almost everything, loves to eat fish! Any kind of fish, and also loves shrimp.
I think he must have been a cat in another lifetime.
Rusty will eat anything you put in front of him but we were surprised when we were on holidays and walking where fishermen were fishing for bait fish, when one of then dropped one we thought Rusty would sniff it and recoil because it was flapping around but he was in there like a flash very cat like. I worried because of the bones but they said being such small fish the bones would be soft, by the time we left he had 6 fish, mostly dropped on purpose, and the next day was there looking in their buckets to see what they had caught. He also has some other cat like things he does like giving you a little pat to get your attention, maybe they were cat in another life
Well as of last night Thule seems to like...antifungal foot creme! Came home (Rosco was with me so I KNOW it wasn't him!) to find the tube chewed on...
Ew! I was thinking of food things! Well, at least his digestive tract will be fungus-free!
WOOD CHIPS!!!! They CONSTANTLY chew on wood chips when they are outside which is really a bummer because that's what our landscaping mostly consists of!! We're going to change that as $$$ permits, though...!

On the good side, they like ice cubes.
Stanley loves ice cubes too. I actually think he thinks they are alive. He pounces on them and they skitter across the linoleum and he chases them down and attacks them. It's hilarious.
Both of my dogs go bonkers over POPCORN!!! They know when it's being made too.......either in the microwave or the air popper. As soon as they hear the poping they come begging!!
They love frozen yogurt pops, if you say "yogurt" both heads turn and ears go up!
They scarf down most things, but not the crab we offered the other day. Buddy wouldn't touch it, and Kona wanted to ROLL on it. I think it reminded her of the beach LOL
Lacie and all my dogs love baby carrots..they go bonkers when I get then out to give to my pet rats!
On a serious note I have YET to find a food they will not eat. I can even give them spinach leaves, and Thule stole a brocolli (NOT a small piece either) off the counter. They like ice, cheerios, goldfish crackers (all make GREAT training treats). Tiny piece of hot dogs, cut up cheese, shortbread/butter cookies are like doggy drugs for Cass our border collie. And they can smell tuna from a mile away!
Stanley really likes watermelon a LOT. He also likes peaches and carrots and he loves peanut butter. I made him some dog ice cream from a recipe book I have--it has plain yogurt, honey, bananas and peanut butter in it and he adores it.



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