Today, I was sitting out on our swing on our deck while Vern and Fudge were playing in the yard. The next thing I know I start hearing yelps....lots of squeals and yelps. This never happens, so I knew something was very wrong. I ran down our steps only to find that Vern's mouth was stuck on Fudge's collar and he could not let go. He was choking Fudge. Her collar was so tight, I could not get my fingers under it. I couldn't find the clasp and I could not get his mouth unstuck. So, back up the steps I went like a wild woman, screaming for my husband, to try and get scissors to cut the collar off. The sounds they were making were terrifying. Of course, our scissors were not were they were supposed to be, so I am yelling and running around trying to find the scissors. I found the scissors and my husband and I ran down the steps and just as he got to them, they came unstuck. Both dogs were so scared and I will never forget Vern's eye looking up at me while they were stuck. He was terrified. They play great together and are very good with one another, so this was an accident, but when I think of all the things that could have gone wrong, it makes me sick. What if I had not heard the commotion...what if my DH had not been home....what if I never found the scissors????
I have Christmas collars on both the dogs. Fudge takes a medium, but I keep having trouble with the collars loosening and there is a gap created that makes it easy for the other to grab onto. Does anyone have a solution or a better collar I could buy? Right now, we are not letting Fudge play outside with a collar on, but that could be trouble if she ever got loose. I would appreciate any suggestions.