my fergie is 7 months old. when is the best time to get a new puppy. I'm thinking next year when she'll be 1 yr. i see many of you have 2 doodles. was it hard bringing in #2. Fergie is absolutely in love with me but she is very well socialized with other dogs. any adivse with that new puppy?
also contrary to what i've heard - i really want another girl. does everyone think that will be a problem
Bentley was just about two when we got Dunkin and it has worked out quite well. Bentley has been great with him. They play together for hours on end and Bentley doesn't seem to be bothered by Dunkin's puppy playfulness.
My husband has been waivering on having another dog he say he doesn't want another one but at the Big Day Out was talking to Charlotte about second dogs. Rusty is 8 next month is he too old to introduce a pup. Would there be little jealousys between the pup and a rather spoilt older dog even though he is very placid I don't what he would do if he had to share his Dad with another dog that was permanent.