Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I'm putting this in the puppy group but it really could apply to everyone to anyone.  When Rooney was in the emergency hospital I learned several lessons and thought that I'd pass them along - so that if you and your pup every have an emergency that you can be prepared.  I hope you never need this info but I will be better prepared because of Rooney and mine's experience.


1.  Know where you would take your puppy in an emergency BEFORE you have one.  Your normal vet may be able to recommend a place to be used for after hours or an extreme emergency.  Put the phone number and address in a place you can find it quickly and enter the address into your GPS if you have one.  Lucky for Rooney that I had picked up a brochure that gave me what I needed to know and I kept it in a box with his leashes - this made things so much easier for us.

2.  If you must go to the E.R. or hospital - take a baggie with a serving or two of your dog's food with you.  When they finally decided to let Rooney try to keep a bite or two of food down - I had to drive 44 miles round trip to go back and get some.  We didn't want to risk him eating a different brand and we didn't know where to find Orijen Puppy down that way. 

3.  Keep a file in a handy location of all of your vet records to take with you.  I just happened to have them in the car as we were getting ready to make application at a puppy play resort.

4.  Keep a cheap leash and collar in your glove box or trunk.  I carry Rooney's stuff in a canvas tote but in my worried state I left it home when I made the return trip to the hospital later in the day.  We got home without them but from now on I'll carry extras with me.

5.  If your pup has a blanket, snuggle puppy or someother sleepy type toy that they prefer - take it with you.  If they allow them to have it - it adds comfort to a scared pet.


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This is very helpful....thanks, Jane.

I would also add:

6.  Vomiting immediatly after eating is a serious sign - if they do this more than once - get them in.  I really did not see this vomiting as that serious and thought that the dr's would laugh at my being overly concerned - lol - I WAS wrong.

7.  And maybe the most important thing about all of this - the one sign that told me something was wrong - his NOT playing at the puppy park.  That was more serious to me than the puking.  YOU know your dog - if something is off - you will know it, listen to your instinct.

Jane - really good post. Most of all, though, glad Rooney is okay. <3

Thanks, Jane.  This list is invaluable.  I'm going to print it and put it with Sedona's records.  That way I'll know where it is so I can double check it if we (God forbid) ever have a need for an emergency visit.


So glad Rooney's doing better and had a good night! 

Thank you Jane - wonderful post. Let's hope it doesn't happen to us (or you again!) anytime soon :)
Great ideas!
Jane excellent tips!  Based on your suggestions I will create an emergency doggy bag and leave it in my car for just such an occasion!

Oh wow Jane - great tips

I am going to pack a kit for Maddie, label it and keep it on top of her crate near the back door. Someone other than myself may be driving during an emergency or DH may be the one taking her if I'm not home. 

Oh Jane I am still feeling my way around the site at the moment and until I went through your photos and stuff I didnt relize that it was your pup that was unwell that time you must have been very scared indeed thanks for all the tips regarding travel to vet and stuff i will be making sure that i find out where our emergency hospital is here in sussex England  your dog is a real star and i hope he feels better real soon Jane X


Great advice!  Thank-you Jane.
Thank you so much Jane.  I am so glad Rooney is doing better.  Please keep us posted....I am so sorry you have all been going through such difficulties.  Godspeed, Rooney and Jane.



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