Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Do have any photos (not necessarily those with doodles in them) that others are welcome to play with using various post-processing techniques? Post them here!

Do you like to play with photos? Show us what you can do, and share your techniques with us! 



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Here an assortment that you are welcome to play, combine with your own, or mix up with other ones you find in this thread. RIGHT CLICK to copy and save these to your computer.



These look too good to touch to me.

Great idea for this discussion. Here's one I've never gotten around to. I hate the power lines and poles all over, my mind subtracts them but the camera sees all.

A little content aware fill in CS5 does the trick.

Wow, Richard! I'm in awe of how you transformed this photo by removing that pole and those power lines and bumping up the saturation. (And a bit of sharpening?) I haven't played around with "content aware fill" yet. it appears to be very intuitive. This sure does look natural! Gorgeous photo, btw, F!
Thanks, much more gorgeous now : )
Ah bless you, what a difference. Thanks.
Which version of CS5 do you have. I have been thinking about getting this but thats alot of money to spend on soothing I just tinker with. Do you use it alot?
Personally, I have the full working version (not "extended") and can't imagine using anything else. I shoot in RAW, delete all the ones I don't like, then tweak/optimize (adjust color, contrast, sharpness, etc) all the "keepers" using CS5. I enjoy the process of taking them into my digital darkroom, so to speak, and playing with them. :)

Here's a few more:

Did you know images from the Hubble telescope are considered public domain (our tax dollars paid for the telescope to capture these) and anyone can use them - even in commercial artwork? Check these out! For more images go to:


Thanks for the tip Linda.   Feeling pretty insignificant after viewing  these Hubble shots!



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