Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Has anyone tried or had any success with B vitamin supplements to prevent fleas and ticks from biting your dog?  We are trying to find natural, non-toxic ways to do this as an alternative to the monthly drops we have been advised to use on Coco's skin.

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Haven't tried Vit B but have had success with Cedarcide ( I haven't used ANY spot-ons in two years. There are a few old discussions about this.
I will check into this Lynne.  Thanks!
You're welcome!

In what way would B vitamins help prevent fleas or ticks? B vitamins are water-soluble; they aren't stored in the body. If your dog is eating a good diet, he is already getting all the B vitamins he needs, and any excess is going out with his urine. I don't see how that would help prevent ticks or fleas from biting him.

Hi Karen and Jack,

I have read in natural pet care books and on the web that there are B complex supplements especially for dogs and cats that are quite effective in warding off those nasty little pests without using any artificial or chemical ingredients. 

I posted this in hopes that someone has had some experience with this.  I like the fact the they are water soluble so there is no build up in your pets system.  It may be the combination of ingredients that make them effective.  I'm still doing research on the matter.  I will re-post if I get any definitive answers.


I jave read about B vitamins and mosquito repellant qualities I think. I take B supplements, not for that purpose, and the mosquitoes still love me.

Exactly. My point about B vitamins being water soluble is that any dog or human who is eating a good diet or taking a multi-vitamin pill already has as much B vitamin complex in their blood as they can store. Taking some special blend supposedly formulated to repel fleas is a sales gimmick, because B vitamins are B vitamins: thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, etc.

As far as personal experience, back in 2004, I had a flea infestation and both my dog and myself were bitten by fleas. At the time, we both were on daily vitamin supplements containing as much B vitamin complex as the body can absorb. It doesn't help. The fleas still bit us.

Thanks Karen, good to know!
Look into diatomaceous earth. It is applied externally. As with B vitamins there are differing opinions on DK about it but it has worked well for us.

I have read about food grade diatomaceous earth and boric acid both being effective on fleas and ticks. Boric acid powder kills everything and it is non toxic...has a lower ld50 than salt.. powder it on and the bugs dessicate off! It is used in many "natural" insecticides. 

From what I can tell, the effective part of the B complex supplements is the brewer's yeast or what some call nutritional yeast.  I am still not sure if they are the same thing.  I think there are some differences. Still reading...

Brewer's yeast is simply a substance which is high in the B vitamins; but again, B vitamins are the same regardless of which source they come from. Niacin in the body is niacin in the body, whether it comes from yeast or from pork chops. Brewer's yeast is not a vitamin or a nutrient, it is simply a food source that contains certain vitamins, like any other food.


How did you know, just Googled it, that pork is an important source of thiamine? I learn something every day, TG



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