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I am curious what everyone's favorite all time, the one that you can always fall back to wine?

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I don't think I have one. There was a Russian River Valley Pinot Noir for which I was paying a ridiculous amount of money at a French restaurant near my home, because that was the only place I could get it, but even they don't have it any more. That was probably my all-time favorite. It tasted like fresh berries in a wine glass.

But if dry champagne counts, that would be my "fall back", lol. Any time, anywhere.

I love champagne, but even one or two glasses gives me a headache.  I'm not sure why, but I stay away from it.
Our "go to" wine is Acacia Chardonnay in the Carnaros region of Napa Valley.
The either the  Jordan Cabernet Sauvignon  or Chardonnay. They used to be reasonable but have gone up quite a bit in price.
DH is a red drinker - I love my chardonnay.  I don't have a "go to or favorite" wine - I like anything that is dry and not sweet.
Me too... I'll even drink two buck chuck.  My DH isn't a wine drinker normally, but he does love to go tasting and he'll occasionally pop open a nice tempranillo or... Barnwood makes a trio that he's fond of.  I'm a chardonnay al the way kind of girl but i won't turn down a nice red.
Our current all-time favorite "Friday Night" wine is Francis Ford Coppola's Directors Cut Cabernet.  Can get for $20 at my local grocery store (Friday night is out date night...I grill steak and we have a nice ($20-$30) bottle of wine. We loved the 2002 Sebastiani Cabernet from Sonoma...can't get any more.
Dori I love that Directors Cut! We had it out for dinner one night (much more than $20 @ the resturant!)

the directors cut is really hard to find.  they dont have it at all stores I noticed

I really like Misty Oak's reds. They're a small vineyard in Southern Oregon, so those DKers on the West Coast should check them out sometime. They'll also gladly ship and have reasonable shipping prices. They're a part of a "family owned" vineyard cooperative that stresses sustainability and producing a hands-on product. Anyhow, I'm off my soap box. For whites I LOVE sauvignon blancs. It's often described as "crisp, elegant, and fresh" and it's an awesome combination of fruity-aromatic and clean, not sweet. Almost too easy to drink, as if that's a bad thing. If I make the occasional friend that says they don't really care for wine I'll buy a couple sauvignon blancs and do a mini tasting with them - I've honestly converted my fair share! I try all the new ones every time I go to Costco and generally they're in the $13 - $18 price range.
I just realized I got caught up in the moment. Great group idea! If I were to recommend a sauv blan to try look for Chateau Coucheroy, it's from Bordeaux, about $16-$17. I love it. Let me know!
Laetitia Chardonnay ~ Reserve 2002.  Loooooove it! We visit the winery every year.  It's gorgeous...up on a hill overlooking Pismo Beach.  Their 02 reserve is reasonable.  We usually visit in October and stock up for the holidays.  I have an 08 chilling for tonight.



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