Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I am keeping a female from my most recent litter and have purchased a soon-to-be born male. This got me thinking about fun doodle names. My favorite is "Mulch." The family chose this name because the puppy's father was "Woody" and his brother was "Twigs." They said they would name a future female puppy "Loam." What interesting names have you run across?

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Surely no-one would be so cruel and crude as to poke fun at the name Tucker? It's so cute. Then again, B**** is a cute name too. Best be safe!
I laughed outloud, what a terrific name story. Thanks for submitting.
I have enjoyed hearing these great, unique names. I really like them but when we get a pet, I forget that I could choose something unique and end up with the out-of-fashion, less popular people names. Ned's name is actually my initials (maiden name not married name) and my husband chose it. Not fancy but personal and I think it was sweet.
I must admit, I laughed out loud as well with the rhyming of Tucker. Anyway I have two Labradoodles - Milo (cafe male) and Fudge (caramel girl). Milo - after the chocolate drink and Fudge was already named. She is a breeding dog and she is caramel in colour - so her full name is Tamaruke Caramel Fudge. Such joy they bring to us....
I've never heard of the chocolate drink Milo. I've got to look that up!

Keep the stories coming. They're all great.
Milo is a very popular drink in Australia, it's chocolate drink, drunk either hot or cold. Hot it makes a good drink to cuddle up in bed with, some thing like cuddling up to a Doodle on a cold night
I think Dempsey's naming story is cute and very fitting, though I can't take credit for it, Patty came up with it! :)
A poorly placed nibble on the birthing sac during his birth by his mother, and he was suddenly without two toes on his right rear foot. No worse for the wear, just two less nails to clip more or less!
That being his fate, Patty thought of the famous football kicker who holds the record for the longest field goal in NFL history, none other than Tom Dempsey, who also happens to have 1/2 of a right foot!
My parents had just visited the football hall of fame in Canton. Ohio before we got Dempsey, and saw the special shoe he used and took a picture of it. And my father being a HUGE football fan, knew the story well, and loved the name! Our Dempsey wears a Neo-Paws shoe on that foot when we walk in the winter so the salt doesn't bother his foot - so he has a special shoe too!
People sometimes ask us where his name came from, and if I say "he's named after a famous football player", and they are big football fans, they will say "Oh! Then there must be something wrong with his foot???"
When I was five my parents brought home a boxer puppy. They had the hardest time naming her, pleasantly ignoring my "Scooter" suggestion. In time, stymied by the process, the solved the situation by just naming her "Stymie."

As a kid we had a horse we named "Shasta," because "she-has-to" have hay, "she-has-to" have water--you get the ipicture!
My favorite of course is Atta Girl who goes by Atta Atta Boom B' Atta, Atta or Boom. She got the nickname Boom because everything her tail touched went BOOM. She is a HAPPY dog.

I have some other favorites but am saving them...hehehe I like naming them after fine chocolates (not Hershey~).. but Godiva, Valhrona, Ghirardelli, Bacci; these are all names I have used on some of my breeders already.
Kendra, I have to agree, Atta Girl is one of the all-time best names out there. And she's a beauty too!
Thanks~ I need an Atta Girl Too or something to take her place
I love Atta girl too! I think breeder's have some of the greatest names - so creative! I don't know how you all think of them!



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