Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I am starting to feel like Banjo in Carol's recent post about cabin fever.  Maybe the weather has finally caused me to snap, because tonight I opened my kitchen drawer that holds all my dish towels and there was dog food everywhere. It was all throughout the drawer. I called my husband in to look (because I usually blame him first) and he had no idea either what happened. Now, I can assure you I did not take the dog's expensive Fromm food and throw it in my towel drawer, so what happened? Was I sleep walking? Did Vern or Fudge learn to open drawers and wanted to stash some food away for a rainy day? Is my husband pretending we are in the movie Gaslight and trying to drive me insane?  This is a mystery to me.

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This sounds like something I would do, first thing in the morning...feeding animals, making coffee, filling water bowls, oops, spilled the water, grab a towel, pour the cup of food into the drawer, oops, that was supposed to go in the bowl....


I hate to tell you this, but it is most likely that mice carried the dog food to your drawer.  I live in a subdivision comprised mainly of second homes, and I check on many of those homes during the Winter.  They put out poison bait boxes, and it is not uncommon to find piles of this in kitchen drawers, along with such thing as dog food.  One of the cleaning ladies even found a pile under a comforter in a bed.  Very expensive, clean houses, but mice can get in anywhere.


We live in the country, next to a cornfield, so we are no stranger to mice, but I don't think it was mice. It was at least two cups of food, there were no mice droppings, and we keep the dog food in an airtight container. At least I am going to tell myself all that, so I don't have to move :) I hate mice!!!
Eric, I think you were right......
umm I hate to say this but could it possibly be a mouse??  When I moved into this house there was all kinds of dog food hidden under furniture, where no dog could reach, and when we re did the kitchen it was between the countertop and dishwasher... so gross...
Caitlin, You are correct. I am in that drawer every day. I am going to blame it on my husband so I can sleep tonight. I am with you about the mice...YUCK!
Eric mentioned that idea too. That was my first thought, but see my response above. If it happens again, we are moving :)
It may be time to set some traps Laurie!! Believe me it was more than 2 cups that we found but I have no idea how long it had been going on by the time we moved in...
Could mice move 2 cups of food that quickly? Dear god, I hope not. I am in that drawer everyday and was in it today and never noticed any food until tonight. I better set up surveillance cameras and call my Terminix man. Maybe it is that stupid groundhog.......
depends how many there are:) Don't worry Laurie, we will foster you and the doods during ur crisis, as for the groundhog and DH we will need you to fill out an application!! LOL!!
Well, I think you and Eric are correct. I left a little dog food out to see what happens and sure enough it was in the drawer in the morning. I was afraid to look and almost threw up when I saw it. While washing all the dish towels, etc. my washing machine sprung a leak, so that made the day even more special :) The doods and I are thinking about moving it with you and letting you foster us....the DH is on his own.
Oh noooo!!  But on the bright side house floods are my specialty!! So you and the doods pack up your things!!  Rosey and Bandit are already having zoomies!! Maybe the groundhog will foster DH!!



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