Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

The food group got side-tracked discussing their tennis ball obsessed doodles.  I have one too!  I thought the topic deserved front page coverage. (Maybe the FG'rs can cut and paste their stories here.)

Gavin will sit for literally an hour, in wait for someone to toss a ball to him.  Here is part of his collection which has to be kept on the window sill out of his reach:

And here he is with his favorite Kong Squeeky Tennis Ball



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Yes, Charlie, too!!  Sometimes I feel like she is making me "Fetch" the ball rather than other way around. Because the tennis ball always rolls under the furniture and I have to fetch it out of there!!
I vowed when we purchase our next sofa, I am taking a tennis ball with me to the store to ensue there is not enough clearance for the ball to roll under.  I wonder if they make them that way?
Tennis balls were banished from the inside of the house after Luca tried to get one that was under the couch and tore the fabric. Luckily it is now artfully concealed by having a chair cover that area until, maybe never, I try to repair it. But he still has treat balls in the house with which to torment me. Unfortunately they're not too big to roll under the bed periodically. At least Calla is not obsessed.

Yes...Yes...and YES!!

Sasha is Ball Obsessed!!

It seems like most Doods are from the looks of it!!

I wish the I knew how to post pics along with my posts (still but...our DK photo is one of Sasha with a ball in her mouth now!!

Sasha loves to play fetch...and loves to do it for hours...but...I must admit...l she likes a "little bit of kibble" when she brings it back!   I always keep some in my pocket... (smile)

You can always count on her to have a ball in her mouth and be trying to put it in "Anyones" hand...nudging them with it...saying...Play With Me...Play With Me!!

Of course...if it's not a's her Big Bone Shape Squeaky Kong...or...that Bright Orange Squeaky Kong with the Spikey Things on it...

She like to hold that one in her mouth and just SQUEEZE IT and SQUEEZE IT!! 

The way that it's fills with air...and it cause a suction when she does it must feel funny/nice for her...sounds hysterical...and has us laughing!! 

I found a great item to throw the ball...but forget the name of it...of course!  Lol...

It's long and plastic and has a cup like holder on the end that hold the tennis ball...

You can throw the ball really far...with Not Much Effort...which is rather nice I must say...

It does make playing catch 24/7 A Whole Lot Easier!!  Lol...

So...Does My Dood Have A Ball Obsession??

I Would Say A Hearty Yes To That Question!!

I use those to toss Sheeba's ball as well. Otherwise she would be in for a short retrieve, as my throwing distance isn't enough. Our doods sound so much alike. I use to have treats waiting for Sheeba when she would retrieve her ball back, but stopped that method. Majority of times it's hard for her to give up her ball to throw it, but she'll keep pestering us until we do. The trick is to get the ball from her. What I do now: I have two balls. Toss the first, she brings it back. See's I have another ball, she'll sit, drop her ball & then I toss the other. Rotating balls and it seems to work.

Well, Murphy is definitely ball obsessed.  Guinness has a really tiny mouth, so he has a hard time carrying around a tennis ball.....besides, his brother always takes it away from him.  Murphy keeps guard over all the balls in this house, just in case his brother gets the "bright idea" that he's going to play with one.  See what I mean....

And there are some balls that are VERY special.  When Murph was sick, his buddy JD sent a few new balls.  They are much loved....I think because they came from their hero.  Here's what they look like now.  I can't throw them out....they just love them way too much.

Murph likes all different kinds of balls....lately he's been into footballs.  The problem with those is that when we throw them inside they tend to do LOTS of damage.  My aim is not good, and we've lost a few things....oh well.

Big Murph - keeper of the balls.  Those rope balls look pretty sad, but I get the sentiment attached.  They do look well-loved.
OMD! I can't believe those rope balls! I am going to have to find him the really sturdy ones next time!

Love the photo of Murphy garding his ball. I've seen that same thing from Sheeba. It's funny how much our doods love their balls and how they can love them to death! Sheeba has lost many a ball from chewing on it too much.

PLEASE BE VERY CAREFUL WITH ROPE TOYS! My cousins lab, who was an aggressive chewer started acting funny and they couldn't figure out what was wrong, they took her to the vet. It ended up that the strings from their rope toy had been wrapped all around her intestines. She died on the table, during surgery. She had just turned a year old two weeks earlier. Don't let this happen to your dogs. I don't allow my dogs to have ANY ropes toys now.



Yes!  Yes! Yes!  and as we speak I'm getting one jammed into the keyboard.   We hide toys in the freezer.  It kind of works.

Hi Everyone


My dog has the potential to be ball obessed which I really don't want.  When we go for walks and she finds balls she is so proud of herself that she keeps the ball in her mouth the entire walk and prances around with her head and tail held high.  Yesterday she found a squeaky tennis ball and squeaked it the rest of the walk with regular rest periods of flopping herself on the grass to really get it squeaking.  Sometimes I walk on the beach with a friend who has a dog loves walks with her.  But what is weird is that inside the house, my dog could care less about balls.  She has several squeking balls in her toy basket that she never selects when we pplay.  And once those "found balls" get inside the car, she totally loses interest in them.  Dogs are definitely individuals when it comes to their relationships to balls!



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