Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Some people think that the game causes aggressive behavior and dominance. Some people think it's a healthy normal game for dogs to play. Do you play tug of war with your doodle? Why or why not?


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I think it is perfectly fine.  As long as you establish rules and it is a game you agree to (rather than a real tug to get something)...I see no problem.  
I agree with this.  I play tug with my guys often but on my terms.  I start the game and I end it.  I actually do "let" them win sometimes.  My guys love to play tug together too.  Murph is usually "the winner" because he's the stronger of the two, but Guinness gives him a run for his money, and they have a great time.
I agree that who 'wins' or doesn't win really isn't that big a deal.  I think what you DO want is to always train your dogs to 'give' or 'drop it' on command so that it isn't truly a 'war' but a simple game.  And it is a good time to practice the 'give' and other commands while they are all excited.
Yup.  If one of my guys doesn't respond to my "drop it" during our games of tug or fetch, I just get up and walk away.  That freaks them out.  They drop it immediately because they just don't want it to end.  I will then go back and continue for a couple more minutes so the game can end on a positive.

We always played Tug of War with our dogs. It is a wonderful way to reinforce the 'drop it' command.

Also works great in weather when they can't get out to run as much. A good game of TofW can tire a doodle out!

I do let Jack play, ( I will do anything to help keep his teeth clean) He likes to tug on things and then release them so I can throw it. I don't think it is so bad if you use it in a way that is fun. If the dog becomes worked up or aggressive while doing the "game" I would not allow them to do it.


So in my amateur opinion, I think it depends on the dog and his ability to keep it in perspective that it is a game and not a challenge for dominance. 

We have never played tug of war with our dogs for the dominance/aggression issue as well as growing up with a hunter dad who insisted this would keep hinting dogs from having a soft mouth. But we've had multiple dogs for many years and they play tug of war with one another all of the time! So go figure?

Bonnie, I have always heard  from all the hunters in my family, starting with my Dad, that the dogs wouldn't have a soft mouth. That being said, I do play tug of war with Murphy.

His favorite is if I am sitting on the hardwood floor. He can drag me across the room. (no aggressive behavior is allowed..though he has never shown that tendency.)

yes, we play tug with both dogs. Rocky always gives up after less than a minute. Lilo, on the other hand, never gives up until she wins. And she always wins, she's just so strong. She likes to put up a show and jumps and play growls and jerks and tugs until we give up. Right after the game, she comes over and flips over on her back and wants a belly rub.  Tug is one of her favorite games so we play it almost daily. We have zero aggression or dominance issues.
Once we established drop it or leave it, we played tug of war with our dogs.  If I had a dog with dominance or aggression issues, I probably would not.
We avoided this game for many months with Banjo - after having a dog with aggressive tendencies we were hesitant to "go there again".  But after a while it was clear Banjo had no such tendencies and he really enjoys the game.  We always start the game and decide when to end the game.   I think it's great exercise and fun for him.
Phoebe enjoys tug of war but if she starts growling, even a 'play growl,' we stop the game and start a different one.  Our trainer (when Phoebe was a puppy) told us that she plays the game with all her dogs but she always adds petting and verbal communication throughout the game.  I have always done that and Phoebe is wonderful about it and ends the game with no issues.  I really think it all relates to the individual dog's temperment though as we had a lab/chow mix who was never able to play without agressive issues.



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