Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Yappy Hour ended for most people at a normal hour. Camilla and I managed to stay on until 2 am chatting. We think we set the record, so far, for longest chat. I ran this post by her and she thought it sounded like fun. Do you know how when you talk to someone over the phone, you might wonder what they look like? Almost always, you are wrong. Last week in Yappy Hour, people thought I was short and petite and I am 5'12" and no one has ever called me tiny. Well, I thought it might be fun to see what the people behind the names look like here on DK. Pick your best picture, something casual, or both, and post it here if you are feeling brave. I picked a picture from my daughter's wedding and one where we look like normal. For the wedding, it took two people to get me looking like I did and quite frankly, it is never going to get better than that day. Oh, and beside me is my DH. (rescuer of groundhogs, wearer of peanut butter pants, and re-home reject)  I know we like to comment on Doodle pictures, but it is not necessary to say things like When Did Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie Join DK? or Are These Two Supermodels? or even Biggest Losers? Just have fun and post a picture.


No, it is not Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt!!         



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I've really enjoyed viewing all the photo's listed here. I've been a DK member for a few months, I love this site and getting to know the people here. What a fun idea!

Okay, I am late as usual getting in to the discussion.  I never have pictures of my DH and I together and very few of ME because I am the lone photographer!!  Here is one of me and Gracie Doodle last September 2010 when we received the honest to goodness real life "Hopeless Doodle Addict Trophy" that you are all dreaming of!!!!!  lol  I think in one of our Yappy Hours we reveled our least those of us who were dumb enough to stay on into the wee hours...Jane (Guinness and Murphy) and I turned out to be the oldest and the same age...WTD...I don't want to be the oldest!!!! 


Ah ha...I found one of DH, Gracie and Me!  It was Thanksgiving 2010 at Ft. Funston Dog Park in San Francisco!


Nancie, These are all fabulous pictures! The top one should be in a frame somewhere in your home!

I'm on a roll now...I actually found some more of all of US!

T...t...that's All Folks!!

These are wonderful Nancie!
Thanks Carol...I really hate to have my picture taken because I have little tiny squinty eyes (as my adult kids call them) and have always been self conscious.  My dream is to have an eye job some day!!!!  lol
Your kids are nuts Nancie.....When I look at your pics I see "happy" look like a very happy/upbeat person!
I have a daughter who calls me Janet Reno when I get my hair cut really can be mean :)
Kids are mean, my son at about 3yrs old told me to "stop singing mom you're hurting my ears".
I guess his excuse was he was 3 years old. My daughter is 26...what is her excuse?? Mean, I tell you!
I was a stay-at-home mom....I once asked my 4yr old daughter what she wanted to be when she grew up...."I want to be nothing just like you Mom" mean is that????  (She's must have changed her mind along the way...turns out she's an engineer.
Nothing....LOL. My daughter (same one) always tells me that I am a stay-at-home mom and then adds...wait a minute, your kids are all grown up, you are just a stay-at- home. Is it too late to put her up for adoption?? One day, she will know how hard moms work.



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