Rosco had three surgeries in one when he was just under 5 months old: entropian eye surgery, umbilical hernia repair, and neutering. He spent most of the following two weeks like this:
I know :-( It was worse for me though I think than him. He was pretty oblivious to his temporary situation. He did learn to pull like a sled dog though because I was always holding on to the leash and he wasn't used to being leashed IN the house and yard. We trained through that longer a puller.
1. keep her next to you or on a leash inside house
2. can you xpen her or keep in a room
what really worked:
3. I found mine were quiet for 3 days and on 4th day got active
BUT I limited walks and didn't let them off leash to run/wrestle hard for about 7 days.
I also had them next to me and rubbed their upper chest and head alot, they love that
along with massages ; )