Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

When my Multigen LD Lyric had puppies this January, I was hoping one of the pups would look like the beautiful Parti dad--Remi--and I was happy to see that one pup was a replica of his father! I kept him and am really loving him to pieces. Once I can take him out and about, it will be fun to get the "what the heck is that?" comments! Here are pictures of dad at ten weeks and our new pup Rio at 9 weeks--the resemblance is amazing.

By the way, Rio will be a stud dog for my breeder so he needs a fancy name--his full name is Ebano Avorio--which means Ebony and Ivory (like piano keys) in italian.

Dad at ten weeks:

Rio at 9 weeks


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Oh my gosh, they are so cute!  I love the Parti look and have 2 mini Partis.  How big are mom and Dad? Absolutely adorable!
Rio should be about 30-35 pounds. His dad weighs 32 pounds and his mom weighs about 47 pounds. He has a very compact build, so i think he will be shorter than mom who is pretty leggy. He has a great coat so far....can't wait to see how the adult coat will look. His dad has a slightly wavy fleece coat.

Update! Rio will probably be closer to 45 pounds! He has grown up so much and gotten so tall! Here he is with his brother Nigel at a puppy reunion and Nigel once towered over him--now Rio is almost the same size and a bit heavier! They both have the upright tail of their dad--I love that perky tail even if it is less desirable in a doodle.

Can't wait to see pictures Krystle! I bet she will be adorable--what doodle isn't??




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