Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Hi all, I'd appreciate any feedback or tips you have on getting your puppy to walk properly on a leash!
Bernie is 9 months, and while we realize he's still very young, he's already 65 lbs and if we don't get his pulling under control I won't be able to walk him much longer!
We use the gentle leader but he still pulls, just not as much, so we're convinced he's not really "learning" anything.
And when we take him out on his regular collar, to the car, out for a pee on a car ride, it's like a free for all, and we were hoping to avoid that as well, we didn't want not wearing the gentle leader to equal crazy time.
We've done training walks around the neighborhood, short ones, where progress is only made when he's not pulling, and after about 30 minutes he does well, but no matter how many good training walks we have under our belt, all is lost when we head out on a real walk.
I realize walking is rewarding his pulling to a degree, but we live in Tacoma, WA (lots of rain, which seriously cuts into dog park time) and we don't have a fenced yard (which cuts into play potential), our walks are important.
Thanks in advance, it's much appreciated!
Have you tried this...? When you are walking and pulls ahead, STOP. Do not move. He will continue tension on the lead, but then should turn around, look at you, when you don't respond, he comes back to you. Just a thought. Also have you done clicker training?
Also, if you think a prong collar is the only answer to the problem make absolutely, positively, without a doubt sure it's fitted properly. Here in VA, I have yet to see a sales associate in the big box stores know how to fit a prong collar. Heck, I ended up helping a woman with a Great Pyrenees fit a Gentle Leader on her dog because a PetsMart employee had "fitted" it upside down on the dog's face.
There is not one-size-fits-all dog training. Different methods work for different dogs. Stay patient, positive, be consistent and realize your dog may be going into adolescence.
Connor walked perfectly on a leash at 7 months an angel. By 9-10 months old you'd have thought he was a malamute pulling a sled. I strongly vote for working with a trainer and classes. It will get better
Thanks to everyone! If you're just now seeing this and have some input, advice or additional questions please add them, I know I'm not the only one benefiting from this discussion!
We've decided to enroll Bernie is another obedience class. This was based on a couple factors, primarily his resilience - we've tried a number of methods and a couple different collar situations, but we've yet to see an inkling of improvement or change in him. Also, my DH and I need to be on the same page, with a method we've both learned from an unbiased professional, under guidance, so no matter which one of us is walking him, he's getting the same signals.
Again, I've taken everyone's tips to heart. I know no class is "magic" and we plan to have Bernie around for a long time, an arsenal of info is much appreciated =)
Amy, have you tried walking with a wooden spoon in front of his face? I know it seems weird, but what our puppy class teacher said was to put the spray cheese or pb or whatever treat and keep the spoon where you want the nose to be. You really have to rub the treat into the indented part of the spoon though-it needs to be smeared on there really well so that they can't get it off in one lick. Eventually you won't have to put the treat on the spoon anymore. And you can just walk with the spoon. And then hopefully you won't need the spoon.
Also, you said you have tried turning around and walking the other direction-when he starts pulling did you again immediately turn around and go the other way? I've done that with Racey and after 3 or 4 times, she gives up the pulling-for a few minutes at least.
We have used the sit when she is pulling too. That is probably what I use the most. The problem with this one is that you have to be really patient. I usually make her sit for at least 30 seconds. I pull her butt over to me where it should have been, and we stand there. The frustration with this (and the turning around over and over) is that if you need to get somewhere, or you are halfway on a long walk, it can talk a long time to be able to get where you need to go.
My Lucy is a PULLER on her lead too! She is currently 30 lbs. Smart as a whip but just wants to pull ;)
We are currently in our Manners II class. Its more about doing everything with distractions. I bet Bernie will do great in class! I second the gentle leader. Our walks are MUCH better now with it on :)
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