Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Murphy tends to be afraid of odd things.  He was in Petsmart for the umpteenth time and noticed the huge dog statue opposite the checkout line. He started his deep growl but I intervened before he went into  full bark mode. We got out of line walked around the store and got back in a different line. But he was ever vigilant and spotted the offender.  And just in case that wasn't enough, did you know that there is a giant dog and cat hanging from the ceiling???!  


What odd things frighten your doodle? (Of course there was that statue in Austin)

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I would have never thought of manhole covers.
That is Albus (Caitlin and Albus). It was a cute video.
Monty used to avoid all the manholes when he was younger. Nothing bad happened to him in connection with manholes, I guess they were just different color than the rest of the "walk". He also did not like to jump from a street to a sidewalk where there was the big opening under the sidewalk for water to run. No problem now, though. I guess they grow out of some scary stuff.
A cardboard box emptied of it's contents and left next to it's usual place, a piece of paper blowing in the parking lot, seen from a great front door vantage point at work, a tool box left next to the machine instead of closed and on it's regular shelf, a garbage can at the back door waiting to get taken to the dumpster....are you getting the feel of Daisy's life? Ever vigilant for anything out of place...I think she has photographic memory and can't tolerate change.
Poor Daisy!  I have seen Murphy get upset about a bag blowing across the parking lot or a branch that fell during a storm the night before. Don't change anything!
A little OCD? lol.

Lol, that sounds like Monty. He would be watching the street through the storm door and a tumblweed would roll down the street in a wind. You should hear the deep voice he is able to come up with. Few weeks ago a put a hear shaped window cling sticker on the top of the patio door. After a short while the dog was barking like crazy, gazing at the sticker that has never been there before. :-)

That is too funny!
She should be my engineer son's dog.... OCD compatible

Hahahaha Huff does this too, if a tree was moved or a car that wasen't there before is there now.

Sedona is very much the same way.  If anything is "out of place", she's wary.
Oh, I love honor of Vern. We all know he is afraid of everything....our shadows on the tree line, ceiling fans, cat and bird posters, vets., and himself in the mirror. Murphy, Vern thinks you are just being a good watchdog and your mom should be more appreciative of your protection!



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