Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Our backyard has a big field that is used in warmer weather for playing volleyball, playing catch with my 3 children, and we have a swingset there too.  This would have been a wonderful place for my 2 pups to run and play in.

SInce we have 2 pups upstairs, i have been potty training them in our front yard, and been cleaning up after them. We have children & i make it a mission to get our lawn looking (smelling) clean! 

We now have a renter for our downstairs studio who moved in with his adult dog .  Since he has moved in, i have avoided taking my dogs to our back yard .   Week one: a pile of poop- not picked up.  Week 2:   more piles.   So me & my husband think, oh, he's gonna pick it up soon.  That does'nt happen. :(   A few weeks ago i watched my renter (through my kitchen window) as he let his dog off leash, run across the field, pass the nearby walking trail- poop.   He ran to get his dog, but did'nt pick up after it- or return to pick it up!  I watched mortified!     It all sank in.  He would never pick up after his dog, would he?   I am furious!      I have'nt confronted him about this, YET.   But a few days ago, i wrote a short note about how he should pick up ASAP because spring is here and i would like my kids to play in the backyard.   I can't believe how irresponsible this man is!  Does he think it's just going to dissappear in the soil?   I know he said he will be renting for 6 months- but i know i want him out if this continues!    I have not looked at the back yard yet since the note.   I will look tomorrow, and if it's not cleaned up, i will write another note.    I am thinking my husband may have taken the note away from where i taped it on his door.     Frustrated.   

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That is one very rude man!!!  I wonder if he understands that it is your personal yard and not a wide open field that is unclaimed???  Regardless, I would have written into the lease/rental agreement that he had to clean up after his dog immediately every time!  Or maybe even something where he must be outside supervising the dog when he lets it out.  Do you know that the dog is okay with your dogs and children?  It would be horrible if you had them all out in your yard and he decided to let the dog free.  I would definitely have a conversation with him and DH too if he in fact did remove the note!!!

Yes, it's very rude and irresponsible for him to be doing that!   And to think i put an ad online "seeking responsible person".  His dog, "Lucky"  is a, older beagle/boxer and very quiet, and very calm with my children.  My kids love to see Lucky, but we are upstairs, and i block the downstairs with a child gate . But we don't see Lucky much, and i have even offered to walk his dog if he is gone all day. I did that only once in the beginning because he said he had to be gone for one day. Small world, his girlfriend ( & mother of his 6 mo infant) i know from Church and i also am friends with her mother.  

Yes, my DH said that he had taken off the note that i had taped to his door.   Ugh!     My husband was mad at the beginning, but now tells me not to say anything,( i think since he has to put up with all our kids noise and our pups barking alot.)  But i will have that talk with him today and a gift of baggies for him!   I'll be firm but nice. 

This is our backyard a few months ago. Before our renter moved in.

Did you have anything about the dog in your contract? Do you have to let the dog in your backyard?  Is he contractually allowed to have a pet?  Can you put up some temporary fencing that allows Lucky access only to enough yard outside of his door for him to do his business? (You can buy a roll of 3' high metal fencing and stakes for not a lot of money. Pound the stakes into the ground and zip tie the fencing to them). 

IMO your husband was wrong to take the note away unless he is going to talk to the man himself.  The first time your husband accidentally steps in the poop, I will bet he feels differently.  I am really not nice and when we had a family who constantly let their dog poop in my yard, I put the poop on their driveway.  It did take care of the problem and they monitored their dog more closely.

I can't wait to hear how this story ends...I always get upset when people are so inconsiderate but can never get up the nerve to say anything.  Good for you!!!

You can do this. It is like the old saying, " You catch flies with sugar"
At the store you can buy some really nice smelling, cute patterned poop bags. Leave him a note saying, " How are you? Everything okay with the property? My kids thought you might like these. We were at the store today and I didn't want to buy so many but there was a buy one, get one sale.
With such cool poop bags, makes me want to get the yard cleaned up so the kids can play outside too!
Oh, and here are some cupcakes the kids sent you.
Something along that line.

If that doesn't work, fill ONE BAG and hang it from the doorknob.  He will get the idea the second time for sure

Joanne, you are way tooooo nice.  Patterned poop bags would NOT go with this guy - way too girlie - I mean picking up  poop is beneath him...
I use old grocery bags. I have always wanted really nice poop bags!  I know, sick.  I'm just too cheap to buy those really nice, scented bags with little dog bone and fire hydrants on the bags
Joanne... what about the Envi-ro-ment???  Most of the poopy bags are biodegradeable...
Now that is a good reason to purchase poop bags.  Okay, now I'm convinced.

I got some enviromentally friendly poop bags yesterday, w/ powder scent.   I like that i can tie the top , but something about the scented bag kinda makes my hand powdery and dry-feeling.   Other than that it's great.

Maybe a pooper scooper with a a bow on it left at his door!!



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