Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum


We have two labradoodle ~ one male (neutered) and one female (spayed) and have been looking for a long time for a third doodle to join our forever doodle family. Do you think it matters if we adopt a male or female? Do females tend to be more bouncy hyper? Our guy is VERY calm and laid-back and our female mini doodle is VERY hyper.

I think we found an adorable female doodle ~ just wondering if two females are a good idea. We really want another sweet CALM doodle! We have been told that a goldendoodle is calmer then labradoodles ~ thoughts????


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Not sure 'calm' matters as much between genders and I think goldendoodle vs. labradoodle is equal and just depends on the dog.  I have a super mellow male labradoodle and have had hyper female labradoodles.  I've also seen mellow and hyper goldendoodles.
I have two calm female goldendoodles and my neighbor has a calm male goldendoodle. Not to say they can't run and be crazy while playing, but in the house mine are calm.
My male is way calmer than my female.  Andy Lynn, I can't believe you are getting a 3rd!!  Do you remember Frankie, I am sure you do... but he was actually returned to the breeder by the person who got him instead of you.  I am not sure if he is still available, but thought you might want to know if you would consider him again.  Good Luck!!

Reading between the lines on that one Suzann, sounds very enticing for Lynn - maybe like something was meant to be????

I think the only thing I would be concerned about is how that particular dood fits in with the others, doodle mix, sex aside.  If your female is dominant, you might want not to get another dood who wants/insists top billing.

I think that none of that matters--each dog is different and gender generalizations or Goldendoodle/Labradoodle  generalizations are often untrue. I just added a third puppy and he is the son of my female labradoodle. I have another female also. They al have an equal amount of energy, I would say, but the new 11 week old male is definitely becoming the dominant one of the pack! So, it is important to try the new doodle "on for size" for at least two weeks to see how they all get along.


I have four Harlee a big boy 90 lbs.,Ms. Chloe 50 lbs, Li'l Buddy petitie 25lbs, & Miss Fergie Fb female 6 months all most. My one female Ms. Chloe thinks she is in charge and probably would have been the best single doodle ever. I love her and would not part with her. Li'l Buddy is layed back like Harlee, Miss Fergie is pretty laid back right now. My personal feelings are males neutered at six months would be better as a third  dog. That is just judging from my four. I also agree with Adina.

I think that as long as you have one of each already that the 3rd gender wouldn't matter. When were browsing around people said not to add a 3rd female, to get a male. I think that it all depends on the dog itself. By the way we have 2 HYPER goldendoodles. We were also told by someone that she's never heard of a stubborn Goldendoodle...well she hasn't met ours!

Good luck to you and everyone has their own opinions, do what you think is best!

Hi Lynn,  

I have 3 females in my home currently.  I have 2 female goldendoodles Magnet is 20 months and Smudge is 11 months and a female lab mix Lucy who is 8.  I have had male dogs in the past, I don't dislike them, I just prefer females.  ALL of my girlz get along very well.  I believe in the pack leader mentallity, Lucy is def the alpha.  As long as the pups respect her and don't try to overstep their boundries, all is good.  I have never had a "fight" but Lucy has def put the pups in their place a few times.  The pups know what they can and can't do.  BUT, if u try to put 2 alpha females together, or 2 alpha males all hell could break loose though.  Females tend to be the alpha dog in a pack of males and females.

Now, most puppies will go through that hyper stage, male or female, goldendoodle, or labradoodle.  When I did my research on doodles before I got Magnet, I read many times that Labs are a bit more higher strung than Goldens and Labs are bigger chewers than Goldens.  I don't know fore sure if thats true or not.  I chose the Goldendoodle after a few yrs of research I did.  Magnet is more on the hyper side, but Smudge on the other hand is NOT at all hyper.  She never really went through the puppy hyper, jumping, biting stuff.  She was extremely laid back @ 12 wks when we got her, and she is just as calm now.  So basically, I believe that all puppies are different.  I also learned that doodles are like potato chips, you can't have just one.  I never thought I'd have 3 dogs at once, but after Magnet, I just had to have another one, Then, along came Smudge, is there a 4th in the picture??????? hmmmmm, Maybe just maybe ;)


Good luck, I hope you find a puppy to fit in your pack.

My male doodle is much calmer than my female.  So, I would maybe go with another male.  Good luck.




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