Sorry, I am new to this and just send you all a message on accident. Now I'm starting a discussion... Bentley is 15 weeks old and just sheds very fine, fuzzy fur when we brush him. After a 5 minute brush session of the whole body, the brush is about 1/4 full of fur. I am wondering if this is normal for all doodles to shed the puppy coat and then not shed when the adult coat comes in. Since you all have F1Bs I thought I would ask your experience with your puppies/adults. We were hoping for a non-shedder both for housekeeping and allergies but we will love him either way. :) I'll post this on the grooming group too.
If you're only getting hair when brushing she may not shed much at all. But if you find little tumbleweeds of hair on the floor or in her crate frequently she might shed a bit more.