There is LOTS of discussions on leting us know when our doods want to go out, but what about coming in???
Giada will not bark to come in. She just waits by the door. This was fine this summer, but now that it's cold out and I forget she's out there, I feel bad. Last night she was out for about an hour, when I realized I hadn't let her back in I went to the back door and she was huddled in a ball against the door, and ran in to curl up on the couch/blanket as fast as she could. She stayed there in a small ball until I went to bed, then was hesitant about going out again. She must have been freezing!!!
I thought she would learn this from my older dog..........but no! I never taught Summer, she just did it. So, how did your dogs learn?
I have yet to have this problem since I am always out with mine.... do the dogs always go out together or no? Or can they? If Summer barks then Giada will probably start??
Hi, Tamara. I taught my mini goldendoodle (Angus) to speak when he wants to come in. I had to demonstrate what that was (funny!) a number of times, then would give him a little treat each time he did it. He caught on really quickly. Sometimes he doesn't do it loudly enough, at first, (I can see him through the sliding glass door on the deck) so I will call out to him to 'speak' and when he's a little louder I'll let him in, saying "Good speak" and sometimes give him a treat. Have fun.
We always go outside with Tanner too, but an odd time I will stay inside to watch him to see what he would do, and no, he doesn't bark either to come inside, he will just wait by the door, until someone lets him in...He doesn't like to be outside by himself, so we go out with him.
I would say use the 'speak' technique. With Brody we don't have that problem because we go out with him...we don't have a fenced yard. But with my last dog...he wouldn't bark, but we had a huge picture window in the dining area, which opened up to the kitchen, and living room, which he would stand at and stare in until one of us saw him. We had him trained NOT to bark though...he only barked if we told him to 'speak' or if he saw something 'intruding'.
It's funny this has come up. Noel has always done this. We didn't train her. I used to think it was obnoxious, maybe a little spoiled (ha!) But now I have actually learned to enjoy it as I let her out (we do have a fenced yard) and she can do her business, and I can carry on in the house and she lets me know when she's ready to come in. So I guess it's not a bad thing after all?
All mine bark. But they are all vocal dogs. Thule was the hardest to train. Sometimes we'd stand by the door inside and try to egg her on to bark because her default is to scratch at the door.
Someone posted a doggy doorbell you might try. It is shaped like a cartoon paw and the dog has to paw at it and it rings the door bell. Perhaps that's something you can spend time training.
I was the one who mentioned the Doggy Doorbell. It's wireless. Paw pad outside with a receiver inside the house(can put receiver anywhere within 100ft I think). Runs off batteries(should last 10,000 chimes). I will try to write a review and maybe upload a video(if I can catch him in the act) when I can get some free time.