I free feed Fergie because of the recommendation of the breeder. She does really well with that and it is so much easier. She always has access to food and water. No, she's not fat and does not gorge herself.
We feed once a day (around 5pm)--MOST people feed twice and that is what is recommended. I keep meaning to switch to twice for Rosco (who eats the most food) but haven't been consistent.
As far as food we still feed Canidae even after the formula change. If you go to our Forum page (see Forum tab at the top of any page) and do a search for 'food' you'll find LOTS of old discussions on this topic. You will find almost as many opinions as there are people--it's a big topic =)
I feed twice a day (approx 2 cups) and I use a food called Exclusive. You cannot get it at most pet stores. I get it from a feed place near my house. It is made by Purina. My dogs have done really well on it...good stool...etc...
I feed Tanner,Wellness Core,Original.....I give him about Three and a half cups a day...I put it in his bowl in the Morning... He doesn't eat it all at once, it lasts him for all that day...He has good regular bowel movements,twice a day... goes usually in the morning and after supper.
We feed Innova. I have one dog and one puppy. My older dog eats twice a day. I put my puppy's food out in the morning, and she eats throughout the day, but most of what is in her bowl is eaten between 7-9pm................she's odd, but we love her:)
We feed Noel Blue Buffalo Large Breed Puppy (getting ready to switch to adult as she will be one in a week - and I am quite excited about that as I understand they have several different "flavors"). It has been the only one, and we have been through several foods that she realy likes (being a finicky doodle! We feed her about a cup and a half in the am and pm.
I feed Innova dry kibble once or twice/day. My dogs don't always want to eat when I fill their bowl, so I just leave it there, and they typically nibble a bit now and then, or eat late at night when the house is quiet. Disadvantage is that I don't know exactly how much each dog eats, but since none of them are over- or underweight, I figure that they self-regulate. I just make sure they have plenty of food available when they get hungry (within the approximate feeding guidelines). Another disadvantage of this approach that I have to mention is that they poop more than once/day...
Blake is a bad eater and has bouts of IBS.....he lets his food sit for hours...I had him on a raw diet originally...It worked really well but I was wasting so much of it because you can't leave it out any longer than half an hour..so I would be throwing it out half of the time......and it's expensive! Read Dr. Picairn's book and slowly switched him over...He now eats twice a day: morning and evening and his diet consists of:
365 Holistic dry ( Found at Whole Foods) mixed with Wellness Core dry, boiled chicken thighs and legs, ( not over boiled...just enough to kill any bacteria and possible salmonella), brown rice mixed with oatmeal and barley and green beans ( Frozen is fine...Don't recommend canned..) I cook once a week at the beginning of the week and refridgerate..It lasts for the entire week....I also mix in Nupro powdered supplement with Glucosamine. Makes a tasty aromatic gravy ( reminiscent of pot roast)...It works well and we now have very few IBS issues...
My dogs who are one year or older are free fed Innova Evo. Those under one eat Organix Puppy twice a day. My vet comments on how trim and athletic my dogs stay.
Chapin is 25 weeks old, and I cook for him once a week, and freeze in 2-3 day portions. He gets a stew of brown rice, barley, zuchinni or green beans, carrots, with rosemary and fennel, and 20 legs/thighs of chicken.
His morning Kong is filled with organic dog biscuits, and/or cubes of cheese, and "sealed" with either peanut butter, yogurt or banana - then frozen.
He used to be on a vet recommended kibble, but I find he does much better on this.
Feed twice a day. I feed Taste of the Wild which is a grain-free dry food. Bella likes the Duck better than the Bison. She was on Orijen but was too costly. The switch was not noticed and save about $20 per bag. Small poops make me happy ;)
When I first took Lucy to the vet at 10 weeks, he told me to just free feed her. And that is what I have been doing since. I keep her bowl full and she eats when she feels like it. She is now 2 1/2 and only eats, usually once/day, in the evening. She eats Purina ProPlan and has done well on it.