Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hello my fellow doodlers and educators :)


Well I am sure you all have heard that SB5 has passed and signed in the state of Ohio.  This is such a sad time right now, but we are standing up for our rights to collective bargaining.  I went a few weeks ago to be trained on getting signatures and am ready to go. 


We are now waiting for our person from the Ohio Education Association to send us our petitions so we may start.  I really feel good about this and think SB5 will be on the ballot for Novembers elections.  I also think that it will be defeated by the voters.


I am hoping that other educators like yourselves will never have to go through what we in Ohio and Wisconsin are dealing with. I know in Ohio some of the democrats are trying to pass a bill stating that is any Ohioan voter who feels that the one they had elected is not representing them properly could be recalled and possibly be taken out of office.  I do not know if this will ever go through all the Republicans in the House and Senate in Ohio, since they would be afraid they would lose their jobs, but it really is a great idea.  As Senator Hagan said in an article, if politicans are representing the voters the way they are supposed to they have no worries of losing their job or being called out to the table.  And I AGREE!!


I really think the Governor in Ohio has deceived a lot of the voters who had voted for him and is not doing what he was asked to do at all.


Ok, I will stop there and get off my soapbox :)  Thanks for listening everyone!!!

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Well, that is two states now.  I wonder how many will follow?  Believe me, everyone is listening.  And all the states want to know how to save money.  Look at what we have been teaching the kids!  And now they don't want us to be able to think (or talk, or act) either.  It is a sad day for American education and also for all unions.  I wonder how far it will go.
I am so glad that my DH and I are retiring.  I want to volunteer and work with the kids as I think they need.  I can't wait!
I just think that this is a beginning of craziness..... How many other states are going to follow these two states? One of the secretary's daughter teaches in Wisconsin, and already knows that next year, her classroom is going to be with 35 children. In our district, we were asked to vote yes or no to re-openning of the contract so that they can again freeze our pay.  ( of course voted out "no") I just don't understand that what do they think is going to do any good to cut from our future generation? They should be investing more for the education, so that our kids can be nationaly competitive to the children of other country!! I remember that when I went to Carnegie Melon University's graduation, there were so few American students graduating!! We have to make the education prioritry!!
Kyoko....I agree with you.....they really will not see it as an investment on the future generations.  Then who will become teachers then?  A lot of people think we make this huge amount of money and since we do not have to work in the summer, we do absolutely nothing.  Politicians really need to look at did they get to where they are at in life?  Yes, elected by the people and having money to run, but how did they get there from childhood to adulthood?  Definitely YES, a teacher helped them to get there.  If they did not go to school, how would they have become can only be earning if you go to school.
Because of the major funding cuts, it sucks for the kids who are graduating with the degree in education, too. My friend's son graduated with the degree in Elementary Ed last year. Where does he work now? Yes, he works for Pittsburgh Public School, but guess what? He is a custodian!!!

Education definitely needs to be a priority in this country, and not just education to get and hold a job.  There are less and less jobs, but more and more need of education.  When I was in college, I petitioned for a degree in Leisure Literacy.  I still think people need to know what to do with their leisure time and be educated to do more than sit in front of a television or computer.  How many people know anything about diet and exercise?  What about music and art? In many schools Science and Social Studies are not even taught because you don't test for these subjects.  Does that mean you don't need to have some knowledge.

Yesterday was the first day back in school for kids around here and one of my friends, a kindergarten teacher, said one of his little boys came back to school and just rolled on the floor and kept saying loudly "Boring, boring, boring."  I guess he was just entertained during his 10 day break and would like that to continue.  Even kindergarten is not very interesting these days.

Anybody see the Hallmark show "Beyond the Blackboard"   last weekend?  A new teacher, but her heart was definitely in the right place.

I am administering the CST tests this week.  The fifth graders at my school taking the CST or CMA science test can answer few questions. Why you ask? They have NOT been taught science since 3rd grade because our teachers are under such pressure to teach reading and math that they are not even teaching science and barely social studies. Our principal last year even told our teachers not to teach science if there wasn't time!   In past years, I was so proud of our 5th graders because they did so well on any science tests, even the ones for qualification for special ed. I am appalled, ashamed and embarrassed that these children don't know about magnetic poles; solid, liquid, gaseous forms; types of rock and how they are formed; which is smaller - planet, moon or asteroid. Heck they don't even know what an asteroid is. They know nothing about food chains,  water cycle, chemical reactions.

Absolutely Nancy!  The last year I taught a combo class, it was a 5/6 combo and the principal INSISTED that I teach both curriculums (by the book) in language arts and math.  I had always liked combo classes, but that is the last one I even taught.  Anyway, after the tests, my fifth graders said very sadly, "But Mrs. Kamrath, you didn't teach us a single thing on the test."  I felt so bad.  Of course they did fine on the LA and Math, but they missed so much.  Next year, new science books that were never taken out of the boxes.  Definitely a sad time for education.


I was talking to one of the guidance counselors and said " Pretty soon, we will be only teaching math and English.... :-( " And he replied " The sad thing is that, if we cut science, social study, art, music, etc.... no parents will complain. But let us cut the football team. The whole town would have a fit!!!"  It is sad that athletic program has much more value in the eye of typical parents than the other enriching programs!!

Oh, do you have my attention now!  Today I substituted and everyone was getting ready for testing next week.  There was an article that all of you might enjoy reading.  It was written by Alfie Kohn ten years ago, but has only gotten worse (as far as I can see).  IT is five pages, but well worth the read.  go to:

I'm glad I am out, but feel so sorry for the kids.  I was looking at the fluency reads for the first graders.  Although they are not tested on standardized tests, they do six tests during the year and at this point they are expected to be reading 55 words per minute.  Things have definitely changed since I taught first grade (many years ago).

Secretaries had a voting meeting today. Our district will implement summer hours as of 6/13/11, and the district will be open 7:00 am ~ 4:30 am Monday though Thursday!  Longer hours per day and only 4 working days. They said that it will save $ on utilities by closing the building one day a week!!
I teach in an excellent district in Indiana. Indiana just passed a school voucher bill, added merit pay, and cut education spending all at the same time. Our district felt the hit last year-- many layoffs and major class size increases. Our district tried to get a referendum passed to help with the budget and the voters voted no. As a result, we are closing a building this year. Only a few districts in the state actually passed their referendums. Education as we know it is going to be a disaster for awhile. The thing that baffles me is all the lies and half truths being conveyed to the voter. Teachers do not have a voice because when we complain people think it is about bargaining rights and pay. That is an issue, but the real issue is educating children and doing what is best for them. In my opinion, this is just about finding ways to rid the state of responsibility to pay for our students. I'm all for educational reform, but they are not trying to make things better for our students. They are focused on pocketbooks. A quality education is costly. When people realize the impact of the lawmakers decisions, our students will have sacrificed too much and paid a high price for the state's carelessness. Personally, I feel like our governor is using our students to advance his political career. This is his last year as governor. He wants to run for President. That's my two cents. This makes me sad because I love teaching and it makes me want to change careers.



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