Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
I was posting a comment on an adorable picture of Albus, and I was about to ask Caitlin what made her pick that name. I love it.. So if you don't mind sharing.. I would love to know, Our family is going to be welcoming another puppy soon, but my mom is getting to be raising her mainly so she is picking the name.
I picked Jack Daniels for three reasons,
1. Someone I loved very, very, dearly, died after his lung transplant and his dogs name was Jack
2 Little House on the Prairie is my all time favorite show and the dogs name on there was Jack, before bandit came along
3. Jack Johnson is one of my favorite artist
And well Daniels is my mom's maiden name and since I can't give her grandchildren, I figured I would name Jack after her.
So what made you pick your dogs name?
We adopted Louie at 9 months from an older couple...the Goldman's...."Louie" just fit him perfectly and we wouldn't have thought to change it. When he gets in trouble I use his full name....Louie Goldman!!!!
He is also... Sweet Lou, Baby Louie, Bubba Louie, Bubbers, Punkin, Punkadoodle, Mister, Louis, Louisina, and Doodle Man to name a few nicknames!!!!
My husband wanted a "smart" sounding name so our top choices were Mozart, Newton, Einstein, or Webster. My daughter had her heart set on a beautiful blond girl puppy but I vetoed for the only chocolate. Since she didn't get "her" puppy we let her pick the name. She said that she liked Webster's Dictionary so our pup became Webster. I thought it worked since I remember the sitcom "Webster" in the 80's and it was appropriate for a curly chocolate pup :-)
Charlotte was kind of a slip of the tongue. We wanted a name which went with Webster and I said, somewhat joking, that we could have Charlotte's Web. The kids and hubby loved it. I offered many other suggestions over the next couple weeks because Charlotte seemed so formal and un-dog-like :-). Eventually I posted on DK and recieved great support for the name so I conceded. I knew it was a losing battle when my hubby was practicing calling "Webster! Charlotte!" from the terrace. Funny thing is that Charlotte absolutely drags Webster around and makes him her servant so he IS "Charlotte's Web".
When we were driving home from picking out Luna we couldn't help but start thinking up names for her.
My fiance came up with "Luna", and I had already started thinking of sky-related names for some reason.
We both liked the name very much, so it was settled :)
Really enjoyed everyone's stories! We knew our new Doodle would be a black female, originally we were looking for a brown one and had picked out " Hershey" , after the brown chcolate. So we asked a lot of our friends & did a pile of searching on the net and came up with Bella, Italian for beautifull. Believe it or not, we had NO idea about the "New Moon" series..but did after we got her home and there are now a lot of Bellas! But it's a great name and can't imagine her by any other name now :)
I just love all of the stories about how all of the Beautiful DK Doodles got their names!!
Our story isn't as exciting as some...but for is Very it is the name of our girl Sasha...who has been part of our family for almost two years...and brings us such Love and Joy Everyday!!
My mother passed away a year in a half ago...and she was not only my Mom...but my dearest friend!
Her parents were Russian...her father was born in Russia and her Mom was born in Poland.
They met while coming to America...and fell in love...A Perfect Love story!
I wanted to give our Doodle a beautiful Russian girls name...and I wanted the name to compliment the Doodle that we got.
After doing much research...I came up with the name just fit our girl "Perfectly"!!
That's the story of how Sasha got her name...
How on earth did I not know that story,,, Of course I know the story of your parents but I didn't know that Sasha was a Russian name, nor that is why you named her... Awww
I am thinking of your mom this mothers day, she was like a mom to me too...
I'm sure we talked about it before...but...sometimes the old memory isn't what it use to be! LOL...
Just a reminder (smile) I'm thinking of names for a sister for Sasha one day...I'm thinking of possible Russian maybe...Misha...remember??...Lol...
No worries though...sometimes I have a hard time remembering my own name!! (smile)
Thank you for remembering my Mother today Jen...
I'm having a hard time today...
I miss her So Much!!
She was a Very Special Mom...and my Friend!
Talk to you soon...
Happy Mother's Day to All of My DK Friends!!
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