Twelve dogs live in our home (I am a breeder). Some are leaders, some are best friends, some want to eat first, others wait until everyone has finished before eating. For those with multiple dogs in the house, what quirks and customs do you see amongst your pack. And, what are the multiple joys you experience.
I only have two dogs...which doesn't sound much next to yours. The one thing they do is CHASE!!! My oldest doodle LOVES to take a toy or bone and have Ozzie (the younger) chase her all the time!! She just taunts him with anything. They are so cute to watch. She DOES let Ozzie win sometimes which is so cute!! They also HAVE to go outside together..... basically do EVERYTHING together.... they are FOR SURE best buds!! My hardest thing is when I give them a treat or something who gets it they know or count??? I always worry about that - I know it is stupid....but I try so hard to give equal love!!!
I relate to everything you said, Lori. Your game of "Chase" is our game of "Envy." I only really, really want that toy if it is one you have! It is a hoot watching them.
Jacoby, our younger doodle, knows that when we play ball his will be thrown after Rufus'. He waits patiently (every time) for Rufus to take off and for his ball to be thrown! Pretty amazing since we did not intentionally teach him this!!! He also wants whatever Rufus is playing/chewing on - we used to buy two of the same toy, but gave up 'cause it didn't matter, he wants Rufus'!! Also, when we go on a walk, Jacoby will pick up a stick and sidle up to Rufus wanting to start the swap game - they often trade the stick back and forth ten times, sometimes they'll each have an end in their mouth as they trot down the trail!! Rufus will start the swap game at home with a stuffy, though that usually ends up in a gnarly/snarly wrestling session, which I think is what Rufus is looking for!! They are amazing dogs and I wouldn't trade them for anything!!!!!!!!
Oh this is a great place....tonight I am living with 17 dogs inside my big blue house! (8 are puppies that just turned 5 weeks old on Sunday) I also am a breeder and have non breeding and breeding dogs here. I have a golden retriever I rescued and is the queen of the house...She turns 7 this December...I rescued her when she was 1! I have fancy Clancy & love bug Grady who are my big boys in the house & the rest are my breeding stock 2 female mini poodles, 2 mini female doodles & my Sugar Daddy Finnegan the stud!
I am the luckiest girl in the world to have such a house filled with LOVE!
Oh yes, Jackie, I relate. Many years ago someone said to me, "Why do you have five dogs in your house!!" I remember answering, "Because my house isn't big enough for 25." All these animals, offering so much love, expand my heart with joy!