Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Jasper practically has a tennis ball either in his mouth or being thrown for him to catch or chase from morning to night. The first thing he picks up in the morning is the ball. He drops it in front of the cleaner when DH is vacuuming or the mower. If your gardening it's dropped there, if you ignore him he makes little "raff Raff" noise and his mouth quivers. He has about 6 of them, we hid some of them the other day but made the mistake of leaving the bag they were in on the floor while we found something else and they were gone. He will sometimes put the one he's finished with back in his toy box and get something else but tidying up is no, he has been known to tip the box over if he can't find what he wants. He so funny though when he drops the ball in your lap and backs back almost in a hunting stance. Are there others with a one toy 'obsession'.

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We once had a dog OBSESSED with tennis balls. You could not sit down without having a wet, sloppy ball plopped into your lap. Thankfully, Vern is not interested in tennis balls, except if it happens to be in Fudge's mouth and he can chase her. Fudge loves for you to throw the ball, but is very good about quitting when you tell her to. Fudge does the backing up thing too and then will sit and likes for you to throw the ball in the air and she will try and catch it. I don't think Vern has ever caught one ball in his mouth...he is so clumsy that it makes us laugh every time.
Sonny is obsessed with them too. Here is a picture of him sleeping with one in his mouth.
This is adorable!!

This pictures tells the tennis ball story at our house, of course it has to be properly slobbered before he gives it to you.

Wow! Quincy sure does like his balls! Just saying this, puts a smile on my face :)
Really cute photos! Donna.
Great job with the collage, Donna.  I loved the black & white, except for the tennis ball.  Quincy makes it easy since he is white.
Great pictures!!!

We were always told that tennis balls are bad for Doodle teeth.  The outer cover can wear the enamel.  We buy "street Hockey" balls from the Sports Authority.  They are easy to keep clean,they float, are almost impossible to puncture and are day glo orange to make them easier to find.

Billy is also obsessed with balls and never puts them down. We found the tennis balls were always getting muddy,  full of saliva and dirt seemed to stick to them. The street hockey balls are less expensive then tennis balls and Billy would crunch down on the tennis ball and split it in half. He has never been able to pop the street hockey ball.

Thank you for this information. I am going to get some of these for my two.
I never heard that. Will have to look into it but Sonny is not going to be happy!!! He may go some strange withdrawals, lol. Are street hockey balls soft like the tennis balls or are they more a plastic?
Thanks for sharing.  Clover can split a tennis ball quicker than anything.  I've been using the rubber Chuck-It ball with the holes.  I am going to order a couple of these for her.



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