Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Henderson, will be 6 months old in a couple weeks, and he still pees in the house. But recently its been getting worse. If i go upstairs to do laundry he pees and its big pees, too. He was doing well, just dont know what to do.

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Have you checked with your vet to rule out anything medically wrong??

A couple of thoughts.....when you are cleaning up after him, are you using a neutralizer to remove the odor?  A dog will continue to go in the same spot if not properly cleaned. I like Nature's Miracle the best.  On carpet, it can take two or three cleanings to really remove it. 


Have you ruled out a urinary tract infection?  That will cause even completely potty trained dogs to go in the house.


Otherwise, go back to basics.  Tether Henderson to you - there is no chance for a mistake.  Don't let him out of your sight.  Set him up for success.  Go outside with him and praise/treat when he potties.  If you can't watch him every second, crate him. 


He is still a baby and I think he will get it in no time.  But just needs a little extra help to get over the hump.


we have hardwood floors, and i do use a neutrilizer on the floor to clean it up. He hates for me to leave his sight. thats when he mostly does it now

Kristen some questions:


-- Is it at certain times of day?

-- Can you tell if he's previously had a lot to drink?

-- Does he have a way to tell you when he has to go? (bells by the door, barking, etc)?

-- Is this a recent change or has he been this way since you've had him?

-- How often is he taken out for potty?

-- Does he tend to go in the same general area of the house or does it vary? 

-- Do you use Nature's Miracle or a similar enzyme product to remove the odor from the spot?


My Rosco is/was a BIG peer.  He had accidents at 7 months, 10 months, after he turned 1, after he turned 2, after he turned 3 and even in the last year. It has ALWAYS been related to two things: Having had a boat load to drink prior to the accident and not being able to get outside to go.  Keep in mind that he is house trained and would NEVER go if he had a way to get outside or to communicate his need.  Some scenarios that were/are common:


-- We'd go to a movie (7-9pm showing) our just out for the evening and come home to a huge pee spot on the rug next to the baby gate.  This first scenario was VERY common prior to him turning about 2 years old.  He'd even pee in his crate if he was crated at the time.  Basically if he had a lot to drink he could NOT physically hold it. And he tended to drink his whole day's allotment of water in the evening.  So if we were home and could let him out, he'd be asking to go out every 15-30 minutes for a chunk of the evening. And he'd pee every time.  We could barely get through one sitcom without letting him out to pee.  NO UTI or other findings by the vet.  Just his evening water-holic tendencies.  The only fix if we were to go out for the evening was to remove his water access an hour or two before we left the house and give him a short walk to give him lots of opportunities for sending pee mail ;-)


-- I'll take him with me into the bedroom while I nap (failing to remember he'd had a lot to drink) and I might nap 1-2 hours in the afternoon).  I take him with me because that way I know there won't be barking to disturb me or my toddler.  He will make a "harumph!" sound to get my attention but when we're sleeping he's not very loud about it...and if I'm wearing ear plugs then I don't hear him.  I'll wake up to a huge pee spot on the carpet.  This has been more common in this past year.  Very frustrating.  I try to make sure he gets an extra pee break before I nap now.


Even when I'm out in the yard with the doods...Rosco probably pees 3x for every Boca pee.  He's a HORSE!



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