Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

We're in the middle of dealing with Murphy's Giardia, and I've been doing lots and lots of reading about it.  It is a nasty parasite, and it can be very difficult to diagnose.  It doesn't always show up in stool samples, so you can easily get "clear" samples when they actually have the parasite.  I really believe this is something that Murph may have had for a while, and that could be why we have not been able to solve his food issues even with home cooking.  Anyway, I found that I can order the test kit online (SNAP) test.  I can get 15 tests for $169.99.  It can be purchased through Amazon and it comes from Revival Animal Health which sells lots of other pet meds (like Frontline).  There are lots of reviews for this company, with 97% of them positive.  The reason I'm seriously thinking about this is that I want to be absolutely positive that we clear it up, and one fecal test is just not reliable.  I can see myself bring in samples to the Vet every few days at $30 each time.  Doing it myself seems way more convenient and practical.  Has anyone ever done this or ordered anything from this company?

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My point is that just because a drug wasn't developed for animals doesn't mean it isn't the best treatment.  The combination of the two drugs is hard on the kidneys and will cause damage.


And my point was the part of the article that says that metronidazole does not reliably clear giardia and that fenbendazole is the drug of choice between the two.
Jane- really dumb question here...but how do you pronounce Giardia (gee-ardia) or (gear-dia)?? I know that sounds really stupid, but I'm calling our vet today to see if we should have our Molly tested and I dont' want to sound like a nut when I ask about Giardia.

Our Molly is having HORRIBLE HORRIBLE to the point where I don't even think I could get a stool sample to take would be more of a liquid sample. UGHHHH, I'm so frustrated. It could be the food that we switched her too...but it's getting out of control now and I just want to make sure it's not Giardia, since I keep hearing so much about it.
She can't control it either, she'll be walking or in her crate and it just starts to come out. I feel so bad for her...and myself, if I'm honest...I don't know how many more rolls of papertowels we can go through!!!

...okay...sorry I just went on my own little rant :-)

I am not Jane but it is pronounced Gee-Are-Dee-a


Spring and fall are really high giardia peeks with all of the rain and moisture.  Post winter snow melts can be hard too.

Lindsey, I think it's great that you're going to bring in a stool sample.  Murph was the same way when it was at it's worst....he had no control.  Please let us know how you make out.
Thank you!!! I have been wanting to ask that, but felt really stupid, lol.

Jane not crazy but self sufficient.  This way you can be sure.


Comparison of direct immunofluorescence, immunoassays, and fecal flotation for detection of Cryptosporidium spp. and Giardia spp. in naturally exposed cats in 4 Northern California animal shelters.


Departments of Medicine and Epidemiology, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of California, Davis 95616, USA.



Giardia spp. and Cryptosporidium spp. are common intestinal protozoan parasites in domestic cats. Few studies have critically evaluated the performance characteristics of commercially available immunoassays for detection of these organisms in the cat.


Human-based immunoassays are suboptimal for the detection of Giardia spp. and Cryptosporidium spp. in cats.


Three-hundred-and-forty-four cats with diarrheic and nondiarrheic fecal specimens at 4 northern California animal shelters.


A fecal specimen was collected from each cat in a case-controlled fashion. Fecal specimens were tested for Giardia spp. and Cryptosporidium spp. by using centrifugation flotation and 5 commercially available immunoassays (SNAP Giardia, ProSpecT Giardia Microplate Assay, ProSpecT Cryptosporidium Microplate Assay, ImmunoCard STAT! Cryptosporidium/ Giardia Rapid Assay, and Xpect Giardia/Cryptosporidium). Results were compared with a reference standard, the MeriFluor direct immunofluorescence assay.


Overall prevalences of Giardia spp. and Cryptosporidium spp. were 9.8 and 4.7%, respectively. The ProSpecT Microplate Assay had the highest sensitivities and specificities for Giardia spp. (91.2 and 99.4%) and Cryptosporidum spp. (71.4 and 96.7%), respectively. The SNAP Giardia antigen assay was easier to use and equally sensitive (85.3%) and specific (100%) to fecal flotation.


Caution should be exercised when using human-based immunoassays for the diagnosis of Giardia and Cryptosporidium spp. in cats. Fecal flotation remains a useful method for detection of Giardia spp., can be used to detect other parasites, and has a sensitivity of 97.8% for detection of Giardia spp. when combined with the SNAP Giardia immunoassay.

Jane, found this info following a brief search.
I'm so glad to see that the information I received from my vet is confirmed by this U.C. Davis study.
Thanks, Linda.  That's probably why my Vet uses a lab that combines the fecal flotation with the SNAP.

All I can say is, I am tired of runny poo!!!!!!!  Poor have certainly been through a lot with him, Jane.  Sorta like honorable dood Taquito.  It gets very tiring, doesn't it?   Even though Taquito was our adopted guy at $100, he will probably cost us 10X the amount Peri has and she's our "designer" dog! 

But I have no idea about giardia and tests....

You're right Allyson....poor Murphy has been through so much.  It does get tiring...and I just feel so bad for him.  Who would have ever thought that Guinness would be the healthy Dood in the family.  I worry a lot about Murph's immune system...he seems to catch everything.



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