I am thinking about putting Coco in an agility class. I think that we would both enjoy it and she has been through Intermediate class at PetSmart. I don't think she is ready for advanced class and I don't think this is all that fun for her. She wants to play and run!! Any suggestions? She is a slight scaredy doodle, but if I get her to do things she is fearful of, she will do them with me sometimes. Someone help me!!
I think you should visit or "observe" an agility class with Coco. I took Parris to a "puppy" class before we enrolled. She was pulling at the leash to join in. I think agility is great for confidence building. Sounds like you already have a good foundation from PetSmart.
Hi! LiliBear loves agility and it is a great outlet for her. We go to a place near HuntValley Maryland that is really wonderful. We take a small group lessons from Sally and they also have an indoor heated arena for the winter/ rainy days. E-mail me and I will be happy to tell you more. She is welcome to come play with LiliBear ... I think LiliBear learns a lot from the other dogs :) ~Leslie