Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

As we are thanking 'the experts'... an old African proverb came back to takes two parents to produce a child, but it takes a village to raise a child!  This is SO true here on Doodle Kisses!  No matter what kind of doodle we have, from whatever corner of the WORLD we are from, we are all here to help each other when it comes to raising our precious doodles.   And, so,  for the times (and there have been MANY) that I turned to all of you- I THANK YOU - my wonderful "doodle village"!

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Big Group Cyber Hug!!!!!
Second Jennifer's big cyber hug!
What a great truth, Shelly.  I am always telling people, "Well, I will ask my dk friends." or "Someone brought this up on dk."
Nancy, it is easy to be a friend to you and Ned and Clancy!  You are so nice :-)
Awww Gee! Thanks, Buddy, Pal, Friend.
Love it and I just don't think you get it unless you are one of us!!!
You are SO right Laurie!

And the really cool thing is that anyone can be in the club.  I know someone once accused us of side conversations and being a clique. 

But THE wonderful thing about doodlekisses is that we all can be part of the 'in' group if we choose. We can be quiet and check out what others do and say, we can kind of join in, or we can jump right in with our questions or advice. We can check out doodlekisses every day or multiple times a day, we can check it out weekly, or we can only come on when we need some advice.  It is our choice.
Nancy, I think you may have been one of the first people I "met" on here.. thanks for welcoming me into 'the group' "in or not"  lol
You are welcome.  I really enjoy being a 'greeter' just like I love working yard sales.
SO true Laurie.. sometimes even my DH thinks I've gone overboard! LOL But then something comes p with Tori and even HE says, what did your "doodle friends" say? LOL
Jackdoodle and I send our thanks and love to all of our DK family!



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