Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
This breeder sold me a sick puppy.
Let me tell you the whole story. I am so mad - I might be mispelling things.
So - We traveled 3 hours to pick up this puppy.
When we got there - she had all the puppies out in a little playpen - if front of her house.
Now - I made sure (as much as one is able) to read as much as I can from here and other websites about all the breeders b/c I didn;t want - what exactly happened to me.
I thought that I did my homework pretty well. I didn't pick the breeders that had puppies for Way cheaper - b/c I didn't hear anything good/or bad about them. I went with a slightly more expensive price - but a breeder that people here wrote good things about. I went to their groups and read as much as I can etc..
So - here I am thinking that - I really did my part in ensuring that I get a healthy pup.
(of course there is no guarantee - but I felt that I did my part)
So - while I am looking at the pups. a couple of the pups in the playpen poops. they had very stinky diarrhea. I sort of looked at the breeder and she told me that she just gave the pups some worm medicine and that causes that. So - here i am - I don't know - what caused puppies to have diarrhea.
so before I left - she gave me a little packet with white pills in it. she said that her vet tells her to give it to the buyers - so that when the pups have diarrhea from the stress of going to a new home - I can give it to him. uhhh. a little confusion - b/c no one here said anything about this. but again - I didn;t know.
I picked out a pup and he did very well in the car.
So - we got home he didn't go to the bathroom for another couple of hours. So finally he poops - its definetly very soft. didn't think much of it = b/c she told me about the medicine. so then during the night he has diarrhea in his crate. then again - in the bath yard. then he has another one in the house - but this time there is a little blood in it.
So - now I'm freaking out. I checked out the little packet and it says - it is metronidazole. so i looked it up and -= it said its for clearing up infections and parasites.
I emailed the seller - she didn't get back to me for a whole day. She says - that blood in the stool means giardia and that we need to give her the pills and have the vet do a fecal test.
I did start him in the medicine - and he actually didn't have any blood stool after that. and he seems a little more energetic. but still he seems a little lethargic. and hasn't been going to the bathroom regularily
I don't know - what I am feeling right now. I am so mad that - I traveled hours, paid hundreds of dollars for a sick puppy. But I think also - I am so mad - is that she obviously knew that the pups were sick - but she didn't tell me and was passing it off as stress.
can someone - help me with this. I am so upset.
I think I'm in some weird shock.
but how does the owner give up - the pup?
but then - I guess - what you are saying makes sense - if the care and cost in taking care of such a pup was so hard - then the breeder takes the pup back..
I guess I was I'm thinking from a scenerio like mine. even if the dog was really sick - my kids would be Horrified if I took their puppy back.
But a good breeder will offer you a choice if you there is a medical problem with your puppy; either you can return it for another puppy, or the breeder will refund a portion or all of your purchase price (depending on what your expenses are to treat the illness) and you can keep the puppy.
THIS is the portion of the What to Look For in a Breeder that really applies more to a situation of a sick puppy, rather than a dog that the people cannot keep:
4) A responsible breeder offers a decent health warranty.
Most warranties are called "Health Guarantees" but for the sake of clarity I want to make sure everyone understands a breeder can't truly 'guarantee' everything. But they can give you a warranty. Every breeder should offer the short term health warranty (3 to 5 days) on basic puppy health. But a truly responsible breeder who stands behind what he/she produces will also offer a minimum two year health warranty on the puppy you purchase. Anything less than that isn't very helpful because many hereditary conditions take time to develop. Read the health warranty as if your puppy has now developed hip dysplasia at one year of age. What compensation would you want? Ideally, you would get monetary reimbursement for at least half the money you spent on the dog to help with vet bills. Would you really want to return the dog you now love? Probably not! Would reimbursement with a new puppy really help you when you have major vet bills? Not one bit! So look carefully at what the health warranty offers you and think about how well that will sit with you if you should need it."
The return policy that Laurie quoted above is for people who at any point in the dog's life have to give them up. Rather than see a dog that they bred and brought into the world left in a shelter or worse, the breeder will take the dog back and keep it or try to rehome it herself. It's not really meant for people whose puppy is sick.
Less-than-wonderful breeders do say they will let you exchange a sick puppy. As if.
you are right. I didn't even think about - the scenerio where people would want to return the puppy b/c they cannot keep them any longer. this is a different situation from if the puppy was sick.
Then that does make sense - that a responsible breeder will take the puppy back.
I agree with - all you guys. it just doesn't make any sense.
So I told my vet this story - and he seemed totally unfazed by it. He said that you can get giardia from the mother or litter mates or even drinking water - that was left on the ground. he didn't seem alarmed by it at all.
I do have one thing that was a little alarming today.
So I went to the vet. And I listened to all the advise about - being careful - not to let the pup touch anything. So I'm holding this 10 pound puff ball for like 20 mins. (by the way - he was SO good at the vet - didn't fuss at all and while they were doing the fecal tests and stuff - he passed out on the exam table) And I see this big dog come in.. the dog was well trained - no barking - just kind of pacing around alittle. So then the nurse come and takes the owner/dog to a room - and then I noticed blood drops - maybe like 12 big drop of blood - all around where the dog was pacing. EKKKKKK - I mean what if you had a puppy or even an adult dog - and they got exposed to the blood. I told the nurse - who cleaned it up right away - but I am so glad I did not let my pup touch the floor at all.
and another thing
the vet told me that its really important - that the pup be socialized to - as many people he can. he says I can even take him on walks. Is that OK? I thought - you shouldn't do that - til he had all his shots? alittle confused.
The dog may have been a female in heat.
You cannot walk your dog where other dogs may have been walked in case he gets exposed to Parvo. You can have people come to your house or take him places that he won't be around other dogs that have not been vaccinated.
BTW I bet your husband is going to fall in love with your puppy. My husband always "liked" our other dogs but he has fallen in love with our doodles.
its kind of funny - I think he really likes him - but he's acting like - he doesn't as much. I don't know if he's trying to look strong in front of the kids - who are obviously Nutty for the pup. he keeps telling them - to discipline the pup and not spoil it. haha - but he actually a big softy - so I'll wait - to see when he "breaks"
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