Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Of course I totally adore Jack and think he is the cats meow.  One of the things that Jack does that drives me insane is after he is done eating or drinking, he goes onto my carpet and rubs his face each side up and down the carpet. If I don't stand over him and wipe his face with a napkin.. he heads straight for the carpet.


No one is allowed to eat on my carpets, wear their shoes or anything.. Yet here is my dog, using my carpet to wipe his face!!!!


What does your dood do that you wish you could change?


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Yes, that's it. They both push their toys/antlers under the couch and then scratch at them until someone gets up and retrieves said toy. Sooo annoying.
argh! SB does the same!.
I know that game too well. Tennis balls are banished to the outside only but that doesn't mean one doesn't get past security or something else doesn't get into an inaccessible spot but it helps.

DH runs the dogs at 6:15 am. Owen has started yodeling, barking, "talking" at 5:30. He sleeps in his kennel in the family room. Last night we moved his kennel into my DD's room thinking maybe he thinks something fun is going on upstairs where everyone else sleeps. He waited until 6 am to yodel this morning. ugh! We don't let him out until he is quiet but this has got to stop! argh! This morning my DD let him out of her room before my DH got up and Owen charged downstairs and out the door. I think he was afraid he got left out of the run. He grabbed my shoe on the way (he is a kleptomaniac).


Kona, like Daisy, is perfect in every way (hahahaha).

That is the funniest story.. I had such a visual reading that.. I love our dogs so much!!
The video of Jack wiping his face on my carpet is now up!!! He just finished his brunch...
My Maggie has "OBD", day and nite with her ball, she even brings it to bed with her at nite! The good news is: being the smart dog that she is, She does know " leave it" and will let up when i finally let her know... Its time to take a break!
I cross my hands and say " leave it"..and she does! For awhile anyway. She is like a dear child with her favorite " toy" .. Except the difference is- " im part of it... The throwing part that is; she can leap up and catch the ball midair! Its quite something !

hahaha I enjoyed reading everyones posts.  My doodles girlz are halarious.  Magnet can be a very sneaky sock thief.  She can steal a sock right out of my lap so quietly and I don't even know it.  She doesn't chew them up, she just like to carry them around the house.  It's funny, because she is a fairly heavy footed dog normally, but let me tell you she knows how to tip toe quietly to steal a sock lol.  I've seen her tip toe, like she stalking something.  If someone comes over for a visit, she grabs the nearest thing in her mouth to show them, and it could be anything.  If shes outside, and there is nothing around, she grabs a mouthful of rocks to give to visitors lol

My other doodle, Smudge is a pretty blah kinda dog.  She's a complete lover, not much of a comedian like Magnet nor any bad or annoying habits but one, she is a VERY good paper shredder!!!  If there is a piece of paper around, it's it shredded in little itty bitty pieces.  I always said when Magnet acts more retriever with her carrying her toys around and other things.  I didn't know much about standard poodles, I wondered if Smudge acted more poodle like.  I got the confirmation when another DK member posted a article about "poodles and paper"  I laughed soooo hard when I read that.  Yep, that was my Smudge, I was right it came from the Poodle genes.

i enjoyed reading all these posts.. sooty does this really funny thing at night time when you are watching tv and not paying any attention to him he will roll around and make growling noises untill you rub him or even just put your hand on him then he will lie down under the coffee table with his paws facing up and lift the table up while he is growling!! this always makes us laugh and now he has found out how to turn off the lamp that is beside his bed in the tv room and he keeps growling and turning it off!! also when i am looking at pictures on doodlekisses he will think that the dog is outside and jump up on the window to see!! and when im on the computer and not paying attention to him he will keep hitting me with his paw!
OMG!! This is hilarious! Sooty sounds like quite a character!!



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