Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Just a quick update to say that having our second doodle Lucy has been an absolute joy!


We were a bit concerned about the usual things; will they get on, will it be tons more work, will she settle, will he be upset.


BUT, its been great. They play together until they are worn out and then sleep (bliss!). They walk together and play chase. Dylan (2 years) is so patient and its so lovely to see him being so careful not to tread on her while she plays around underneath him. He'll tell her off when she needs it and she'll nip his ears if she thinks he's getting too bossy. She's not had any 'accidents' in the house at all and because they play together, we don't have a bored doodle at the end of the day wanting long play sessions. We do take time to spend with them of course but they make their own fun too.


The only slight issue might be around their feeding as she wants everything he has. I have to feed him in another room and take the bowl away or she's straight in there.


So for anyone toying with the idea of adding to their doodle family, if the situation is right for you but you're unsure, then I'll just say its been a delight for us and long may it last.


A picture attached of them at the end of a long day (I know, naughty to let them on the sofa but too cute)


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Good idea.  I have wondered how I would handle that.  I want a 2nd too, but hubby afraid of the travel expenses, since we are at the age where we might want a condo for a month in winters.  Also, hotels want you to keep the dog with you at all times if you travel with them.  Any ideas on that.  vrbo instead of hotels?

Yes - travel is going to be a bit of a challenge. Most of our trips away are to family so we just take the doodle with us. We've also got a really great foster carer service. They take your dogs into their homes and it's always the one local to you so the dogs get to know them. Dylan has been twice now and I think he'd probably be happy to move in!

We've not contemplated hotels and not sure what vrbo is? Is this a UK v USA issue? Sorry!

Oh how darling!!!
I know what you mean about the food thing Tina. Before we got Lily, Gus used to take forever to finish his meals. It only took the first time he walked away and Lily finished it. Now they not only check each others bowls, they actually lick them to make sure nothings left behind.

My doodle has terrible serperation anxiety.  She goes to daycare a couple days a week but the other days when she is at home she claims anything she can take out her doggie door.  She never does this when we are there (except with grandson's toys).  Do you think a second one would help?



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