Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Initially I contacted VPI pet insurance upon suggestion of one of our members in case they'd be able to offer members a discount (since there are a lot of us).  I learned the discount is pretty small and decided to contact a few other pet insurance carriers: Pet Plan, Embrace, and Trupanion.


I have heard back from 2 of the 3 so far.  Essentially our options are:


1) Offer members a 5% discount for insurance carrier A.

2) Offer members a 10% discount for monthly plans or a 15% discount for yearly plans for insurance carrier B.

3)  Earn a commission ourselves on accepted applications from insurance carrier B.

4) Offer members $10 sign-up discount for insurance carrier C

5) Earn a commission ourselves on accepted applications from insurance carrier C.


Since the whole point in looking into this was to offer something cool for our members, I really wanted to check with you again on what you want.  I know most of you who are interested have already either chosen an insurance carrier or have considered the various options.  So it's not just about the biggest discount but also whether the insurance carrier offers what you most want/need in a pet insurance plan.  It would be COOL if we could earn a commission AND offer you a discount but that combo is not an option with those we've heard from, so we're going with a discount for you. 


Someone mentioned that saying "Doodle" when you sign up for Pet Plan (who has not gotten back to us yet) gets you a 10% discount.  This is due to the Doodle Messenger's partnership with them...I think they may even make a donation/commission back from this. 


Now, how should we proceed?  What do you say?  Should we take a formal poll on which carrier is MOST desired?  THIS IS NOT THAT FORMAL poll...but more of a quest for suggestions on what members want out of this. 

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Is that a yearly deductable or per visit deductable?



They have a per-visit deductable, and you can choose it.

Pet Plan is a per illness deductible,


Jack has had on going Kidney problems and I have never had to pay anything past the fifty dollar deductible since it started over a year ago. They just keep paying, WHen I file, I file it as a continued ongoing claim so they use my deductible I already paid.


That is how it has worked for me, I actively use it because Jack has to get his urine checked on a regular basis.

That is what I have, Did you go with Gold or Bronze?
They discount for a total of 3 things like spay/neuter, doodle, microchip, multidog, online...So if you already have 3 discounts they ignore any others.
I wasn't too happy with VPI so canceled my plan with them. I've heard good things about Pet plan. Didn't know about the "doodle" secret code. :-)

I am interested and I do not have insurance right now.  Keep me informed.



I also did extensive research before purchasing pet insurance and it became clear quickly that Pet Plan was the best option for me.  I have had Pet Plan insurance for almost four years and they have been absolutely amazing to deal with on every single occasion and just today I was in my Vet's office and told them that if anyone ever asks for a recommendation to recommend Pet Plan.  They offer numerous coverage options and at a very reasonable price, which may be partially due to me obtaining the insurance when I first got my puppy.  After reading all of these posts about how much several of us like Pet Plan maybe they would offer us a discount for helping them with their marketing.  One always responds best to someone like themselves that they can relate to in some way.  Real ads by real people.

Great topic! Thanks!

I had Pet Plan for my first dog, Mochi since he was a puppy, now that he's 2 and I've noticed the premium has gone up every year.

Our vet told us Pet Plan is ridiculous because they increase the premium every year and imagine how much you'll have to pay when your dog is old. They suggested me using Trupanion, and so I did. I also got Trupanion for my 2nd furry kid who's now only 11 weeks old.

I have had great experiences with Pet Plan, no complains. But I'm just not sure how much I'll have to pay when my both dogs get older.

I'd love to switch back to Pet Plan if they don't increase the premium crazy when my dogs get old.

That's interesting.  I've had Pet Plan for almost four years and my premium hasn't gone up at all and believe me they have lost money on me.  I wonder why there is a difference?  That is troublesome that we had such difference experiences with their rates.
My rate went up a few dollars this past year but it was because they changed companies, I expect it will go up some as he ages, it is only fair as his expenses could go through the roof if something goes wrong.  They cover everything so I don't mind paying for it. I was not told that it will go up indefinitely, and they for sure lost money on me already by farrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.



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