Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Bernie's toys are all kept in a small box on top of his crate. He knows he's allowed to help himself, but keeping them contained on the crate cuts down (somewhat) on the pure chaos that can ensue when everything's on the floor, taunting him...

So when he gets his front paws up on his crate he's at the perfect height to root around in his toy box. But that's the funny part! Sometimes he roots around for nearly a minute - which is surprisingly long when you're just watching him, waiting to see what he surfaces with!

Do your Doodles do this? My husband and I have had the same discussion a number of times, "Does he know what he wants?" "Maybe he just knows he wants something, and figures it out when he's nose deep?" "Is it really that hard to choose?" You catch my drift.

Do your Doodles root through their toys, and if they do, what's your theory on this behavior?!

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Marley has certain toys that never leave the toybox. Guess they didn't make the cut.  I LOVE to watch her when she is searching, I always wonder what she is looking for because her favorites never even make it to the box. It's like the toys have GPS, when I pick them up and head towards the box, she thinks we are going to play!


We have named the toys, and slowly(very slowly)...she is learning them by name! Now if we could get her to pick them up...


Yes, Izzy does this too. We have 2 baskets and she will rummage through to either get a bone, squeaky or stuffy. I think it depends upon the mood she's in. If she is playful it will be a stuffy or a squeaky that she will bring to one of us to play fetch with. The bones are when she wants to be quiet. It amazes me as to how they figure this out. In the mornings her and Lucca will take a bunch of toys out to play with together. They'll do tug of war or chase.

YES Bandit & Rosey do this.  They both have their favorites and will go "looking" for them...Rosey actually has addictions to certain toys.. the latest was Monster and if she couldn't find him she would come ask me to do a full on hunt... that is hard to explain but I Knew what she wanted...  She would even sleep with it, in her mouth!!


Luna definitely picks the toy she wants to play with.  She doesn't have access to her toy box; it's an ottoman with all the broken toys in need of mending inside... but she definitely remembers where all her toys are in the house at any given time.  I often see her making a beeline for a certain toy, passing by others on her way there.

Trixie has 3 Toy Baskets 1 Upstairs & 2 Downstairs where we spend most of our time.  It is fun to watch her go to her Baskets & see what toy she picks out...Often it will be a toy she has not played with for awhile.


When she is in the Toy Mood.  She will usually  Pick out One, Play with it for a little while & then go get another...She usually ends up taking out 4 toys.


We need to train her to put the toys back!

I thought the same thing the other night Pam!  Now if he would just pick them up!  LOL

Henry does the SAME thing.  We have a toy bin with all his toys and it's on the floor.  He goes over and pushes his whole head in looking for the toy he wants.  It cracks me up.  Then he'll get bored and go back and get a different one.  Too funny.


I am gonna try and start doing the name thing too, that is a great idea!



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