Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

As we get our new logo products ready in our store, we'd like to get your creative, witty, fun ideas for a few phrases we can put on our tee shirts (besides just the DK Logo).


For example:


My Labradoodle is Smarter Than Your Honor Student


My Grandaughter is a ... Goldendoodle?


Love Me, Love My Doodle!


UPDATE: We won't be adding new 'images' or drawings except for our logo.  We can NOT do bandanas.  I'm only looking for phrases--nothing else for now.


And as you read through other people's suggestions, respond to them individually if you like any a lot.  We'll use it as a voting procedure of sorts to see what would be most desirable to members. 


Look forward to your fabulous ideas!

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The dood ate my homework!

Don't look at me.... The doodle did it!!
Krystle...please...don't say that out loud.  If I came home wearing a shirt that said that, my DH would have a heart attack.  He already knows I am a "Hopeless Doodle Addict" in my heart!

Not witty, but anyone like these?


Because I love my doodle --

For the love of doodles --


Also is just having "Doodle" phrases enough or does anyone really want an additional choice between "labradoodle" and "goldendoodle" for some of the shirts?  They have a ton of tee shirt options so it will end up being a bazillion and one choices until we figure out the 'favorite' tee shirt types and get rid of the ones that people aren't interested in.

For those of us who don't have Golden or Labra doodles.... I would love one that says "just" a doodle
Well "Doodle" will be there for sure, just want to know if the GD and LD owners want specifics.
I don't know if there are enough of us that have both a goldendoodle and a labradoodle.  But - "One is not enough"  would fit those of us with both as well as those who have multiple doodles.
I like one is not enough!
I like that.  or maybe One doodle is not enough.

I like "For the love of doodles --"!


I like girl t-shirts...longer, but slimmer.  The mens t-shirts make me look fluffy around the middle.  Wait...perhaps it isn't the t-shirt.  Hmmm...maybe I need to join that WW group that's going on in Good for You, Good for Me!

Dori - we want our dogs to be fluffy rather than us, right?



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