Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Aug 1st update: OPENINGS ARE CLOSED FOR NOW. Diet began Aug 1st.


As you may know, my education and job involve nutrition and dietetics.  I am a Registered Dietitian and have a certificate in Adult Weight Management.  I see patients in a hospital setting and counsel them on their diet and eating habits.  But I can only see so many people one-on-one in my small town of Walla Walla.  So I am in the process of putting together a weight loss program that I will publish later (early 2012?) in a book / multimedia / support community format.

The diet will be called the Satisfaction Diet.  It is a "no hunger craving / no banned food / easily lose weight" diet.  It doesn't involve any fancy supplements or anything other than natural products you can buy at your local supermarket.  It works by reducing your hunger pangs and making you feel satisfied after eating fewer calories.  This eating program will minimize all the reasons we ever say "I'm famished!" and will maximize all the reasons our body tells us "I'm satisfied".

What does this have to do with you?  I'm looking for guinea doodles!  OK, not doodles, but I am looking for people that would like to take part in a weight loss program.  I'm looking for success stories.  This will be as anonymous as you want it to be.  I will be setting up a completely separate social network (like DK) only for participants of this diet program.  So there will not need to be any cross-talk here on DK.  As early participants, this program will be completely free.  You will receive early editions of all the material I will be presenting.  The "book" won't be done when you start this program but the diet will be clearly given to you.  I will be available to all participants for counselling if there are additional questions.

I'm looking for twenty people. (Update: We will accept more as long as all are willing to actually take part.)  I hope to find twenty people who will be committed to doing this for 90 days.  Twenty people who will report their successes and failures on our private social network and who will support each other throughout.  Now this is NOT a 90 day torture test like P-90 or something.  It is a program where you will make some simple changes to your diet (and eat some natural but unusual snacks) that will naturally change how satisfied you feel and allow you to eat less with no hunger cravings.

Write to me personally if you are interested and I will answer any questions you have and if you are committed, will send you an invitation to our new private social network.

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This looks great to me....I like the idea of no hunger cravings-looking to lose 20 lbs!
I am definitely interested.  Hawaii vacation in June of 2012.  I have already started something and want to lose 40 - 50 lbs.  A program in the winter/spring would be perfect for keeping me accountable.  I am in!!!!!!

Sure, I could go for losing a few pounds.  My problem is that I am here with the refrigerator all day.  Glad to participate in a 90-day trial if you still need participants.

And, my husband could also lose a few pounds.  If you need some men, you can include him.  He is a biker (mountain bikes mostly) but carrying a few extra pounds that he would love to be encourages to take off.


I am going to be taking part in the program and my situation sounds exactly like your hubby's.  I mountain bike and take Natalie on bike rides all the time but could lose 20 lbs to be healthier.  Your DH (and anyone elses DH) is welcome to join!


I would love too as well, I have had a lot of success on weight watchers but recently gained some back, Of course I would need to review the material and make sure it was okay for me to do, but I would be interested
OK - Well, my husband and I would likely both be interested.  As he is home sick today, I'll need to confirm later.  For demographics - I am 47 and he is 45.  No kids - but vegetarians if that matters.  Both are approximately 50 + over-weight and live sedentary lives due primarily to our desk jobs and 3-year remodeling the house project.  Please consider us if we "fit" the bill. 
I sent you an e-mail.
Nancy, you are totally a size 5!!  Why would you want to diet?
Hubby is not a size 5..... actually I'm not either, but my new summer shorts are a 6 in a certain brand name  so I am thrilled.
Tell Skip that I'd love to have him participate in this with me!
Hey fair taking up a are skinny and tiny!!!!
I'm definitely up for this.  I have been eating my way through the past year waiting to start "eating Healthily" again.



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