Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Back by popular demand we are doing calendar photos this month. This should give us plenty of time to get photos, critique them,  and in general try to help each other in this tough competition : ) I am copying some of Adina's past guidelines so you will have an idea of what's acceptable, assuming they will remain the same. I will also track down some of the back and forth we had about what's she looking for as far as content when I get a chance. Please only post photos that meet the minimal guidelines. We should all try to be honest in our comments. Sometimes I think we try to be nice , always a good thing, but avoid helpful criticism , which can also be a good thing. In this instance helpful criticism is to be encouraged I think.

Update: Adina's Guidelines

Update: 2011 Calendar Submission announcement

Update:  This assignment is going to continue for the month of September

For those of you asking about cameras and editing, this was taken with my Nikon D90, and I did barely any editing. See, no snow on Calla's nose

The original:

My submission, later cropped a bit more for the 2011 labradoodle calendar cover:


Update: Here are some more discussions that may give you more ideas of what Adina prefers. You have to wade through them.





***** If you crop, and you should only do this judiciously, the photos need a MINIMUM of 1800 x 2300 pixels when Adina submits them. It's better to leave a margin for error, Adina can fiddle with the size if she loves your picture and needs to crop a little.


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What beautiful Doodles!! So hard to believe it's time to start thinking about calendars . . .
Thanks. I think these calendar photos are like becoming pregnant, never a good time. Luckily, unlike Adina, most of us only have to think about the photos, if we want to.
Are we only allowed to make one submission per year for the calendar?  Or if we have a puppy - one for the puppy calendar and one for the Labradoodle calendar (or whatever)?

Most recently the rule was 5 pictures per dog total. Luca and Calla had to argue vigorously to make it per dog not per owner. But in the end Adina makes the rules. She also decides which calendars the chosen pictures belong in. But here, as long as they fit the above guidelines, there is no limit.You can look here and see this year's calendars:

Great, thanks!  I never realized you could see the pictures for the whole calendar!  I will definitely be submitted all 5 of my allotted photos.  Maybe I can try to get some good ones this weekend!  :)
Good luck.

Here is Luca and Calla's post:

The Inequity of Life

Neat calendars.  I wish I had known as I purchased a labradoodle calendar from Amazon that wasn't nearly as nice as the one at Cafe Press.
Good thing new ones are coming along and might have your doodle in it. The first time Calla was in it was July in my office all year. Now the cover picture remains the only one to be seen. I use other calendars for the date. They make nice holiday gifts, too. Full disclosure: I don't get anything for these shameless plugs : )
You'd have to ask Adina that question. But here we want your pictures. It's OK of course if you are a professional photographer, we have some.

Quoted from the photo guidelines I posted:


" submitting photos taken by a professional photographer you are claiming you have the photographer's express permission to submit the photo for a calendar that will be sold. They own the copyright, even if they gave you the digital files. Unless you signed a contract with them that says otherwise, you need to have their express permission to use a photo in a product that will be sold. If you don't have this permission, get it or don't submit the photo. We will ask you about this if it was a professional shot."


And if the photographer wants credit we will put in a "(c) Bob Smith Photography" on the page.

I got so excited for this, till I read the rules, and realized the majority of BB's photos (cept from super puppy-hood) will probably be considered DQ'ed... Just made a post to the rules thread to see if Adina will consider revoking rule #11... (crosses fingers)


Poor BB likes being a shaved dood... ;-/



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