Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

The traveling Intercourse PA shirt arrived here on Friday, delivered personally by the previous winner, Leslie (of Leslie and Halas). 

When it came to taking a photo of the The Shirt, I tried really hard to take all of your suggestions into consideration. Suggestions like "I can't wait to see you rock the shirt", "I want to see you top Joanne's photo", and of course, some ideas about accessorizing. So I put a lot of thought into trying to do justice to The Shirt. You know me, I don't do anything half-way!

First, I tried on The Shirt, hoping for inspiration and to see what I had to work with. It was quite a sobering experience. The Shirt is very large and very unflattering.

Next, I proceeded to gather together an array of accessories which might add some allure. At Yappy Hour Friday night, stillettos were suggested. So, stillettos. Also red fishnet stockings, a feather boa, a chain belt, and long dangling rhinestone earrings.
The results were somehow less than glamorous.

 Shaken, less confident, and frankly exhausted, (but still determined), I looked again at The Shirt, hoping that it might guide me in the type of accessories that would show it off to its best advantage. And sure enough, inspiration finally came!
I know I've set an impossibly high bar for the next recipient, but I hope that my willingness to totally humiliate myself publicly like this will inspire all of you to keep the laughs coming.

The next Snap Caption & Post photo will be coming right up. But first, JD and I need to take a little nap.

PS: Don't worry...the shirt will be washed before I pass it on!

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Karen, you put so much thought and work into this, it is truly going to be near impossible for the next winner to top this. BTW, did you just happen to have a pair of red fishnets and a boa in your closet? Poor JD, he looks less than impressed by the whole thing.

LOL, once I get started, I just can't stop! And I never back down from a challenge! I hope somebody gets a laughe out of it.

I used to dress up for Halloween, so the stockings and boa are leftovers from my days as the Sexy Devil. :)

My thoughts exactly!!!

OMD, I'm so sorry.  Really sorry.  Can you top, Joanne?  Good grief.   Who said that?  That is not nice. And you shared so much.  Maybe I ought to throw in the other 80 photos taken.  Certainly, it would not have led to this.


I must say though, this is wonderful.  Especially coming from you, Karen.  May I ask if you were in Yappy Hour?

I was, that's where I got my inspiration for this. Maybe I should stay away from now on?

No, admit it.  It was fun.  I laughed until my sides hurt.   Who would have THUNK it could come to this?   Bringing out the freak in all of us. 

I sure laughed! The hair rollers were a nice touch as well.
First I have to say...Great legs!  And this was such a wonderful laugh.  Karen you are so funny.  Not sure how the shirt contest got started or how anyone can top that.  Just brilliant!  Thank you for sharing and making my day.
Okay, Karen.....all the pictures "rock" in their own way, but that last one with JD is totally PERFECT!  It will not be possible to top this.  I love your smile which is I'm sure because your favorite guy is right there next to you.  I also love his expression.  It's like he's wondering "what's this all about"?  I really hope you don't even plan on getting a "sleepover boyfriend", because I can tell by this photo that it would be a REALLY BAD IDEA for the poor guy.  The look in Jack's eye, and the head on your hip tell a whole story.  You're a great sport....this is so fun.

Love, Love, Love the photo shoot.  The bar has been raised and will be hard to top this.

Karen, you have inspired me to go ahead with my COL photos.  Now I just need to teach Lexi how to use the camera, lol.  Just saying that last sentence scares me once again.  There is no telling what kind of pictures my sweet little girl will take of me.  I better start locking the bathroom door.

Karen you are officially my hero.. Fish net stockings and boas!!!! OH my, you have set the bar so high.. I can not imagine topping that.. I will have to get to work thinking of it... I want that shirt!!!



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