Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I've seen some doodle owners here who also have another dog at home that are 15 years old or more. A few of them are 16yro, 17, or even 18!! and some of them are large breed dogs! That's amazing!


If you're one of these dog owners, or if you've already got answers from others, could you share how you and your dog do/did it?


-Dog food brand


-Any people food?

-How much exercises (Ex: runs 2 miles a day, hike once a week, etc)

-Any supplements?


My two dogs are now 2 1/2 yro and 4 months old. I want to try my best to let them to live in a healthy, long life.





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Well our Aussie Rennie is 15 yrs old, and he is doing ok, he was always a laid back dog, kind of quiet, and not much of a go getter.  He is a sweet gentleman, always was, and still is.  He now is developing problems with hearing, and some vision problems.  He has some difficulty late in the day with his hip joints, but in the morning he is up, jumping on all 4's.  He is such a good big brother to our goldendoodle Oliver, and I know that as time goes on he will get worse healthwise, but for now he is ok.  He takes his vitamins in the morning with his Glucosimine/chondrotin.  He has been eating Canidae since he was a puppy...And he is well loved and cared for.  That is our story...
So many inspiring stories and Rennie's is certainly one.
My old Butter is currently 16 1/2. He was purchased by someone who were not allowed to have a dog in the apartment, then passed around by few irresponsible people who just impulsively wanted him, because how cute he was. ( Cream colored Chow Chow) I was asked to keep him overnight by my kids' father, who never came back to get him. He was about a year old when he came to us. It was my 4 little children and I , and Butter. We did not know much about dog food, health, anything. He never went to any obedient classes or anything like that either. All we did was fed him Beneful (yuck), walked him twice a day, took him to vet for regular check ups and shots.  My kids were little, so we went to the park and hiked a lot with Butter, kids played fetch and chase with him, he chewed many of their stuffed animal's eyes and noses. ( hahaha) He had bloat when he was 12 and had an emergency surgery also. Those are the good old days. He is hard to hear and cannot see too good either now. However, he is still doing well and has good spirit. I think having Charlie kept him in good spirit and active as well....My kids who are now teenagers and young adults shows a lot of respect for him, and takes good and gentle care of him when they are home. We love him dearly, and hope to share little more time with him.
Butter is amazing!
We think so, too!!

Thanks for sharing! Butter is one lucky dog! His life would've been completely different if he falls into the wrong hand.

Now I don't know how much Orijen or other good brand dog food will help much :( But it's hard to go back to bad brand once you know they're not as nutritious. 


Oh, I know. When I first learn from Karen ( JD's mom) what the ****  I was feeding this poor dog, I almost fell out!! I could not believe that people even cooked/manufactured and sold that crap!!! I think it helped him in his older age to have good quality food. ( we use Wellness Core)

My dachshund is 14, and will probably live another 2-3 years!

She eats whatever food my mother decides to buy, but has lived most of her life on Purina One diet dog food.

She gets carrots as a treat, and sometimes pieces of bully sticks that Sunny leaves on the floor.

People food- only carrots and peanut butter (makes her coat shiny) and some bread.

We walk her with Sunny once a day, only about a half mile, then she gets too tired. She's a little dog with little legs!

She gets Deramaxx, which is an anti-inflammatory for dogs. She has arthritis and a bad back, which are both really common for her breed.

Gee, I'm beginning to think love is more important than food choices : )

Reba certainly has no shortage of love! I try to tell my mother to buy "better food" but she insists that Reba has always been just fine on Purina One, so they'll stick with that.

I've been sneaking Orijen and Acana into her dish when she stays with me.

now that after reading some of your dogs' stories it makes me think the quality of food is not what makes them live longer, but genes and love.

They said that feaful dogs do not live long due to the high level of stress through out their lives. I worry about Charlie having a shorter life span since she is a fearful/anxious dog..... Butter never cared about anything. He was always his own person(dog?) and had his own way ( I guess typical of breed?) and was comfortable. And he still is....



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