Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum


Since we have gotten Fudge and Vern, I have been accused on more than one occasion of putting their needs above some two-legged members of my family.  I decided to put together a little list to see if anyone else has done some of these things. Now mind you, I am not admitting to all of these things and maybe some of them are figments of my imagination, but you never know.  I have changed the names of some of the animals involved to protect the innocent, but would love to have everyone add to my list. Here goes…..have you ever:


  • Asked your daughter to find another seat in the van, more towards the back, so one of the dogs could have her seat. Not that this ever happened in our van, but if it did, the daughter probably yelled, “Do you know I am a human being!”
  • Told your husband to stop sneezing, because if scares Fudge Brownie.
  • Asked your husband why he is coming to bed, because you are afraid he will wake up a large cream red colored dog that is taking up his spot.
  • Told your elderly mother that if you drive to Oregon Washington with your dogs someday and happen to stop in Indiana Illinois and pick her up, she has to ride in the back because Vernors Pepsi calls shotgun. This was probably said in jest or to dissuade a chair-stealing 85-year-old woman from riding along on this long trip.
  • Reminded your husband to make sure he cleans a certain dirty dog’s manly parts after said dog rolled in mud and while husband was bathing dog.
  • Asked husband to climb out of bed to help Fudge Princess get up on same bed, because she placed her two front paws on the bed which means she would like permission to come aboard.
  • Said in this order…I love you, Chocolate Dog, I love you, Scaredy Doodle, oh..I love you too; man I have been married to for many years.
  • Said to your husband that if you die, he needs to find a woman ASAP to stay home and take care of the dogs. You might have also suggested she be kind, caring, and loving and might have heard in response, “wouldn’t that confuse the dogs?”
  • Said to one or the other dog, “you are my favorite,” only to look up and find your daughter staring at you in bewilderment.
  • Heard one of the members of your family say, “you love those dogs more than me,” and you respond by saying, “my mother taught me if you have nothing nice to say, don’t say anything at all.”


I could go on and on with these hypothetical questions, but I will stop now.  Please feel free to add any other ones that cross your mind.  It is probably best to change all names so you leave us guessing whether or not these are real life experiences or just an imaginary situation that you have been wondering about over the years.

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I haven't thought of this.  Good one!!
I just asked DH to fold the laundry so I could finish reading all these posts.  This is just too hysterical.  I am SOOO guilty of so many of these things.  I'm so glad I'm not alone!!!
I can't quite quit taking birth control at this point in my life, any suggestions from you hilarious doodle lovers how to convince we need another "princess".  He was MUCH more cooperative when I wanted more human babies!!!
Just imagine , ( imagining only of course) if your husband said to you..." i wished you loved me as much as the dog"...
I think I've heard that somewhere, maybe while I was sleeping, in my dreams....... LOL
Gloria, I laughed out loud at your comment! I am sure it never happened, but good point...LOL!
Laughing my head off, but reluctant to tell my husband why. Guilty as charged.
What happens on DK, stays on DK.....LOL! By the way, I LOVE your profile picture. What a clever idea! That might make for a great Christmas Card idea.
All the things we accept that our furry kids do!! I never had children but sense my acceptance of unacceptable behavior would have be spoken verses left unspoken. Did I mention I purchased a new carpet cleaner due to the doods? LOL!!
Here's one that immediately comes to mind... there are many more, but it's late and don't feel like thinking right now... but here's one....DH says, "I swear you kiss that dog more than you kiss me"! (I say true, but do you jump for joy whenever I walk into this house... even if I did just go get the mail?)
You tell him, Shelly :)



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