Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Update: I've started my own blog about this. If anyone is interested in following it here is the link: 

I've been wanting to start a blog of my own, so now here's my chance. I will be writing about my experiences as I sort through my stuff (both physical and emotional), and what it means to me to chuck it. My first post is up. I hope you enjoy it!




I've been desperately feeling the weight of my clutter lately, and have been searching for ways to freshen up my life.


So, in an effort to change things up I recently bought some new sofas, and threw out my older ones (my beloved Big Red and Little Red). I have a tendancy to get attached to physical belongings and often even name things I get attached to (my new car is named Roxy and I haven't even picked it up yet). Well, finally letting to of Big and Little Red felt good, like a wight had lifted. Looking around my apartment I realize my summer house guest is right, I have TOO MUCH Clutter! It's time to get busy.


I was passing by the local bookshop and felt compelled to stop in yesterday. There on the shelf, staring me down, was a book called "Throw Out Fifty Things" by Gail Blanke. I snapped it up, and read through the introduction and chapter one over a beer yesterady after work. I am fully hooked and inspired. She has a website: where you can download worksheets and report your progress. I might even blog about this. Letting go of the old clutter, both physical and emotional, will open up your life to receive new and exciting things.


The Author's mantra is "If you want to grow, let it go".


So, does anyone want to grow with me? Let's throw stuff out together!

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We need to start a Throw Out Fifty Things or de-clutter support group here on DK.  That way we can cheer each other on as we toss.
Okay, I'm in.
Whew, okay, that's enough cleaning and tossing for one day! *tired grin* My trash can overfloweth, the back of my car is full of flattened cardboard to take to the recycling center (I do most of my shopping online these days), there's a pile of stuff on my sofa waiting for friends to come pick through it before it goes to Goodwill, and Lachlan now has dainty little poodle feet. Okay, maybe I got a little carried away there and should have stopped before I tossed him up on the table and grabbed the clippers  ... but hey! I found my kitchen and office today!
Whoa! Good job.  I did a bit of culling today, starting with a bunch of back issues of magazines I don't subscribe to anymore and stuff that I had had stashed under my bed.
Ooooh, better job Nina! Pretty sure what's under my bed has its own ecosystem and probably a rapidly advancing civilization by now.
Great job! I also tossed a bunch of old magazines along with a lot of other crap. I have some nice baskets that are filled with junk , i.e. junk baskets instead of junk drawer. between that crap, the old magazines and some other nik naks, I filled a box and a half. I left them dowstairs in my building next to the recycling, the spot where people leave stuff that they don't want but others might. I'll look later if any of it has been picked through. My living room looks better now, those baskets are neatly stored, and there's no crap overflowing from the top of them. I think I deserve a glass of wine. :o)

I simply haven't accrued much stuff yet! I own a grand total of 1 couch, two chairs and a bed. My books take up 3 book shelves, though... but I'm not getting rid of any of them. I'm a college student and haven't made it out of my teens yet, so I'm at the beginning of my collecting years!!


My rule is "one in, one out" when it comes to clothes though.

Hey Sherri-I must have missed this post somehow. I was just laughing the other day because I suddenly get this urge to throw things out of the house, but the problem is that I get this urge when I have to be somewhere, Or...I have some time but not enough time. I am also a sentimental collector with no place to put anything. I clean the closets out and then a few months later they are a mess again! It's only me and my DH here so WTD? Maybe Chloe & Myla mess around all day??

I had my own place at age 18 and people bought me all the sensible things for bdays and Christmas and to this day they sit in the cabinets NEVER USED! That is a reason I can never get myself to throw them out. They are like new! So I will be heading to her website and see what I can do.

Hi, I am a Professional Organizer. Congrats on starting your journey. It can get overwhelming so remember baby steps. I tell my clients to think of the 10 things you would grab if there were a fire/flood/ whatever the situation and you needed to get out NOW and could not go back. These are your true treasures..really everything else is just fluff. (don't count loved ones, them come with you:).  I use a great filing system for my clietts. I think it is the best out there. Very user friendly. Knowing what to keep/ what to toss when it comes to paperwork is the worse..



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