Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I think our dogs and their potty idiosyncrasies must be on a lot of our minds, because there have been lots of discussions and posts lately about this subject. I have been thinking about writing something about Vern for a long time, and then today I saw Lucy and Sophie's mom's discussion, about how long Lucy can hold it. Vern can hold it for a long time too, but my problem is more that Vern has to have an Oprah "Aha" moment before he goes. It is almost like he is just walking along and all of a sudden has an epiphany.


I am starting to think Vern thinks his name is Go Potty, Vern!  When we take the dogs out to do their business, Fudge gets right to the point, but not Vern. Vern likes to take his time, smell the air, walk around, sniff a little, tackle Fudge, smell the air, chew a stick, and then sniff some more. All the while, he is walking around I am saying, “Vern, go potty….Vern, Go Potty……VERN, GO POTTY!”


Imagine it is pouring outside. Here is Vern out to do his business:

Now, it is snowing. Here is Vern out to do his business:


Here he is thinking about going potty....oh wait a minute, never mind, false alarm:

So much to sniff, so little time.....Hey, Fudge, who keeps yelling, "Go Potty, Vern?:

Hmmmn, I am out here for something, but I can't remember what:

Isn't that a pretty birdie?


I swear when he finally goes, it reminds me of that scene in the movie, Helen Keller, when Helen finally realizes what the letters w-a-t-e-r mean that her teacher has been signing on her hand.  After I say, “Vern, Go Potty!” a few too many times, he looks at me like it finally dawns on him that “Go Potty” means make water or something more solid than water.



If I thought it would speed him up to hand him a newspaper or a magazine as he goes out the door, I would try it. I swear I would.

He does finally go and it looks something like this when he does:

or this:

No matter how long it takes him to go, Vern never has any accidents EVER in the house, so I guess I should count my blessings. It could be worse.

Someday, I hope he will get down to business sooner and if he can get to this point, we would be the happiest dog owners ever.

Who else wants to join Vern in the Slow to Go Group?


PS Please note....all landscaping (no grass) done by Vern too :)

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This is so funny, were you a writer in another life? You might make millions off of Fudge and Vern stories!

My Rosie is not phased by rain, it seems to roll right off of her, Oliver on the other hand is a bit prissy and sort of tip toes through the puddles. Tomorrow will be the big test for them both.

Ann, Stay safe in all this weather. Both my dogs, even Miss. Fudge Priss, loves being out in bad weather. They love getting wet. Thank you!!
When you are that cute does it really matter? Achilles does the same thing. You know those very dangerous acorns that fall, he needs to seek each of them out and make sure the world is safe from them before he goes.
OMD..those acorns make my life a living hell :)
Sydney wants to join Vern's very special group!.  Sydney needs to get her engine going every day before she will GO POTTY.  So.... we walk for a few miles every morning.  Sydney first starts her walk by sniffing everything she comes across.  Then, she stands and sniffs the fresh air and she sure takes her time sniffing the air!  After awhile, she goes in a circle (for about twenty times, round and around), (not good if one has a hang over).   But Sydney does this every single day!  Olivia, on the other hand, will Poo on command.  (Olivia has always been such and easy Doodle to train)!  But each of our Doodles have their own wonderful tributes!  We love them both!!!!
Fudge does that circling thing too. Loved your descriptions.


Oh Laurie...once again you had me "laughing my fool head off"...then running to DH with my computer in hand...making him sit there and listen to me read your post...while making him watch the pictures you posted!!  Lol...

Afterward...telliing him what a "brillant" woman you are...and that you are the funniet person on DK... and write the greatest posts!!


Okay...with that said...

Sasha is a "Go On Command" kind of girl... can be Very Jealous of me my friend!! (smile)

For some Very Strange but Very Wonderful reason...I was able to (train?) her to "Go" when I give a specific command.. and she does...right away!!

This has been happening since she was a little Doodle pup....and...either she's very smart...I'm very smart...or we Both are Very Smart!!!!    

I kind of like the third choice...Lol....


So...why don't you have Vern give Sasha a call...and she can teach him how to "Go" on command??!!

Actually...that might be a Very Interesting date...don't you think??  (smile)


I just wish that I was as technically talented as I could post some really great  pictures of what that date would look like!!  Lol


I'll tell Sasha to be waiting for Vern's call...



Susan, Thank you, first of all, for your lovely comments. I would love to have Sasha come and help me with Vern. I told you in your recent post that he would probably be dazzled by her new perfume (fish smell...LOL). He would follow her around like a lovesick puppy. I think you are very smart and so is Sasha and I wish I could get Vern to go on command. Sasha and Vern sitting in a tree, Sasha teaching Vern how to pee.................LOL!! Thanks again!!

Oh...and you rhyme too?? 

Is there Anything this Woman doesn't do?? Lol...

So...I hear you're going on the DK cruise...

I mentioned it to my DH...and he immediately told me to sign us up!!

As sweet and loving as that is...I had a feeling that this would be more of a time for the'm thinking of going with two from DK and one not.

I'll save the time with DH for a very romantic time in Hawaii this October!!

The cruise sounds like it will be such a FUN time...and we're looking into the details now...


Susan, Yes, I am going on the cruise and bringing my DH. He is a very brave man. He is actually looking forward to the cruise. I hope you go. I would love to meet you. It is going to be a great time!

I just signed up for the cruise yesterday! Yay!!

It sounds like it will be a great time...full of fun and lots of laughs!

Looking forward to meeting you too...




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