Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Time for a little game and some fun and to make you think. You know what they say about the mind, use it or lose it. There are some days that I think I have already lost my mind but I still love things that make me think just a little.

How to play the game, you take an ordinary everyday saying and reword it so that it means the same thing but looks totally different. When you post the answer, add one of your own for others to guess.

There is no coveted prizes, just the extreme satisfaction of exercising those brain cells.


Example: Disturb not canine slumber = Let sleeping dogs lie

               The manure is going to smack into the rotating oscillator = The s*** is going to hit the fan



Here are a couple to get you started.


1.Impossible to reach a fair decision about a tale by the wrapping.

2.The precipitation is composed of felines and canines.

3.The male who cackles after everyone else, fails to comprehend the humour.


Who wants to play?

It's time to exercise that brain!!!


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Correct, Donna :)
lol, I thought you were calling someone names.
Out of sight makes me like you more.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

Absence makes the heart grow fonder


I am sure I beat Leslie....LOL!

Right Leslie and Laurie.

If the temperature is too high relocate yourself.

If you cant stand the heat, get out of the kitchen


Geesh, Look at all this fun I am missing
Hi Joanne, you are right! Ricki I know you were typing at the same time so you are also right!



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