Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I toyed with putting this in the puppy, health & medical or food group... but I don't think it  truly belongs in any of those places!


Luna has always had a taste for vegetation.  Ever since we brought her home, she has consumed a large amount of plants a day (for a dog - but maybe not a cow!).  I would say she eats about 1-2 cups a day of plants.


She rips chunks of grass out of the ground or snatches clumps of clippings off the sidewalk on walks.  She then EATS the whole clump by tearing it into little pieces. She has not once done the normal "dog" thing of vomiting after eating grass.  She also eats weeds (including nibbling stinging nettles a few times - she didn't like that as much), leaves and sometimes small sticks (chomped into tiny pieces).


Her poops are normal and she is very regular (extra fiber from the grass maybe yum yum!)

She eats Blue Buffalo (Chicken & brown rice) and her weight is stable and healthy.

She was de-wormed as a puppy and we have her on Revolution for Summer parasite control.


The question is - should I be worried that she may have worms or some odd medical condition?


Maybe she just spent too much time watching the horses grazing on the farm where she spent her baby weeks ;)

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Lucy and Sophie when they were puppies chewed down an entire Rose of Sharon Bush that was about 4' tall.  We are currently in the process of trying to get grass to grow in about 1/3 of our yard where we had some drainage work done.  Unfortunately there are more weeds than grass and they are just having a ball.  I don't know what it is about the weeds that attract them.  Sophie more so than Lucy now, but they will both eat weeds.  They will walk through the rest of the yard and spot a weed and just become obsessed.  It is very rare that the throw it up either.  The most important thing is to be sure that you don't have any plants in your yard that are poison.  There is a long list.  Other than that, I'm not sure.  I'll be watching to see what others have to say as well.
Bailey does the same thing... She love to eat grass and likes to tear it up from the yard.  It there is a stick near by she will find it!!!
Vern is my Cow-doodle. He loves to eat grass and never throws up afterwards.

Bruno eats grass every chance he gets and we have never had any health problems. It does not make him throw up and his stools are healthy, regular and formed. 


Halas eats grass, too. And he never throws up after.  But the udders he's growing are really starting to concern me.
Ha Ha!!  :)
I'm so glad to see this!!! Lola eats grass like it's her job. We call her our "little sheep". She actually grazes. It's pretty funny to watch. I thought maybe she had some stomach problems or something, but she never throws up afterwards either. Lola can eat a full stick in one sitting. Not just rip it apart, EAT it. I try to catch it and stop it because it really can't be good for her digestive tract. Anyway, thanks again for posting this, makes me feel better!

Glad to know I'm not alone!


Maybe the retriever and lab fascination with sticks goes beyond just carrying them around.  ;)

I was thinking of starting weed control business with Lily. Drop her off in someones yard and let her do her magic plus we will throw in a couple of holes she digs for free!  Any takers? 

(She also is taking on moth control if anyone is interested.)

This is too funny.....Tucker is the same!! He gets all excited in the evening when a moth gets in the is funny to watch as both him and my Himalayan cat "Lily" both want to get it....gotta love theri choice in night time
Both Max, the Goldendoodle, and now Ziva, the Labradoodle, eat grass like crazy. Max loved all of my newly planted flowers last year, chewed down most of a sand cherry and dug up an azalea a couple of times. If only, we could get them to focus on the weeds rather than the good plants and grass...



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